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Oh darn, yet another waterside gig. Life is rough out here, guys.1687095345723.png
The classic rock band had a gig at a new little winery tucked off the beaten path up in the hills above the lake today. The people running the venue were totally nice and cool, but the setup... dude, the setup.

They keyboard player and I are on a flatbed trailer that's maybe fwelve feet long and just wide enough for my kick to touch one side and the back legs of my throne to touch the other. There's haybales on the back, because venue owners hate me and want me to be picking hay out of my gear for months. The whole yard is sloped, meaning that my hi-hat is lower than my ride cymbal. The trailer bed is uneven, and so I end up reclined to the left rear about five degrees the whole day. And look at that lack of overhead cover. Wow, I wonder if there's any rain in the forecast...

I could go on, but I have to dry off my equipment (especially my mixer, which I hope still even works...)
The classic rock band had a gig at a new little winery tucked off the beaten path up in the hills above the lake today. The people running the venue were totally nice and cool, but the setup... dude, the setup.

They keyboard player and I are on a flatbed trailer that's maybe fwelve feet long and just wide enough for my kick to touch one side and the back legs of my throne to touch the other. There's haybales on the back, because venue owners hate me and want me to be picking hay out of my gear for months. The whole yard is sloped, meaning that my hi-hat is lower than my ride cymbal. The trailer bed is uneven, and so I end up reclined to the left rear about five degrees the whole day. And look at that lack of overhead cover. Wow, I wonder if there's any rain in the forecast...

I could go on, but I have to dry off my equipment (especially my mixer, which I hope still even works...)
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Sorry to hear that was so crazy! Sounds very similar to an annual Halloween show I get roped into except mine is always late at night in the pitch dark in the rain and the cops show up. Everytime. Like clockwork.
The classic rock band had a gig at a new little winery tucked off the beaten path up in the hills above the lake today. The people running the venue were totally nice and cool, but the setup... dude, the setup.

They keyboard player and I are on a flatbed trailer that's maybe fwelve feet long and just wide enough for my kick to touch one side and the back legs of my throne to touch the other. There's haybales on the back, because venue owners hate me and want me to be picking hay out of my gear for months. The whole yard is sloped, meaning that my hi-hat is lower than my ride cymbal. The trailer bed is uneven, and so I end up reclined to the left rear about five degrees the whole day. And look at that lack of overhead cover. Wow, I wonder if there's any rain in the forecast...

I could go on, but I have to dry off my equipment (especially my mixer, which I hope still even works...)
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At least they let you on the trailer! Whenever I have to play on a small trailer, I'm usually catty-cornered into one of the corners, and I have to all-but-tear-down to get behind the kit. I've never been given the honor of using the trailer as my own personal riser. Heck, years ago I did a gig like this, and I had to set up off to the side on the ground so all of the singers could be seen on the trailer. It looked stupid, but I was accommodating.
At least they let you on the trailer! Whenever I have to play on a small trailer, I'm usually catty-cornered into one of the corners, and I have to all-but-tear-down to get behind the kit. I've never been given the honor of using the trailer as my own personal riser. Heck, years ago I did a gig like this, and I had to set up off to the side on the ground so all of the singers could be seen on the trailer. It looked stupid, but I was accommodating.
I can't emphasize enough how the trailer was no improvement over bare, uneven ground.
I can't emphasize enough how the trailer was no improvement over bare, uneven ground.

What a nightmare. I've played on so many sketchy and slanted surfaces in bad weather. It can really suck the fun out of playing.
What a nightmare. I've played on so many sketchy and slanted surfaces in bad weather. It can really suck the fun out of playing.
Agreed. Until we got blasted on by the clouds, it was actually a fun gig, except my hip and leg are aching this morning from the weird efforts I had to make to play the bass drum whilst angled away from it to the left. And the keys player on the other end of the trailer was tapping his feet, moving around to the music - and that's okay - but it was like playing on a bowl of jello. It reminded me of how all of Neil Peart's kit is screwed into the riser and all shakes and bobs together as he plays, and having done it for one gig I'm in awe of his fortitude doing that for tour after tour.
we had a little, low-key, all brushes event tonight at the local "arts castle" senior award show. This place was built in 1854, and is so freaking cool on the inside. After thunderstorms blew through, temps and humidity dropped and it was a great night for jazz



Back to Benson Vineyards and an absolutely perfect gig. It was HOT out there though!