Backline kit for tonight

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Silver Member
Tonight backline kit, and my thoughts?

Utter, utter, crud!

Toms detuned constantly, bass drum sounded woolly and woofy, even with good tuning it still wouldnt keep its tuning and kept sounding boxy, the pearl export in the storage area would of been better.

Head were remo emperor batters.

So DW? IMO? Definitely not worth their price tag

You're going to have a bunch of people tell you this, but I'll be the first:

1. Never judge a drum brand on the basis of a backline kit with old heads.
2. DW has been the choice of an enormous number of professionals who could choose anything. It's wiser to assume that something is wrong with THIS kit than with DW.

Sorry you had a bad experience. I don't own any DW drums but I've had loads of great experiences with them as well as some experiences where the heads were shot or something else was very wrong with them.
Agree with the above. You can’t judge a brand by a possibly abused backline kit. I’ve own six Collectors kits and each one was top notch with no tuning issues or mechanical issues. That poor backline kit has probably been neglected and unloved. They have to be maintained and sadly, when they become part of the furniture, they never get looked at. I blame the venue for not taking care of their stuff.
That kit hasn't been taken care of. It looks like its been stored in a dusty garage for years, with not even a simple wipe-down to remove the dust.

DW drums aren't my favorite, but they are very high quality and consistent when taken care of. It's definitely an issue with this kit.
Like others have said it’s a backline kit

Also, Emperors on the toms wouldnt have helped but the detuning points to bigger issues.
This wasnt the first DW ive played on, and the others ive played didnt sound good to me either, and they were in better condition.

Ive provided tama rockstars that were beat up to hell and that held better tuning than this kit did. The DW hardware with the kit was sturdy and good, just the drums didnt work for me at all, DW never have though.
As everyone has pointed out, it has to be the individual kit. It's not a DW thing. Professional drummers aren't idiots, after all.
Tonight backline kit, and my thoughts?

Utter, utter, crud!

Toms detuned constantly, bass drum sounded woolly and woofy, even with good tuning it still wouldnt keep its tuning and kept sounding boxy, the pearl export in the storage area would of been better.

Head were remo emperor batters.

So DW? IMO? Definitely not worth their price tag

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There was a recent thread, someone had a similar experience with a dw backline kit:
If you've played other DW sets that didn't sound good to you and you don't think they produce anything worthwhile, I think you're just trying to stir up controversy for the sake of controversy, which is a troll move.
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I really can't imagine how a kit like that wouldn't hold a tuning. Like, what was the technical problem? I can see problems with the heads but I can't imagine rods backing out, given how those drums are built.
If you've played other DW sets that didn't sound good to you and you don't think they produce anything worthwhile, I think you're just trying to stir up controversy for the sake of controversy, which is troll move.
no, im not. i think DW hardware is sturdy and reliable, have no issues with that side of it, i just dont think the drums sound any good *TO ME*. not everyone i going to agree with me, but DW are IMO overpriced for what they are.

I really can't imagine how a kit like that wouldn't hold a tuning. Like, what was the technical problem? I can see problems with the heads but I can't imagine rods backing out, given how those drums are built.
well, it did. had to constantly retune the rack tom and the floor tom kept detuning every 3 songs. maybe i keep getting dud kits, but i know my tama rockstars keep their tuning more consistently than this kit did.
Bo!..c'mon dude..lets get that kit for a Dr's appointment and get those tubs singin again. 45 minutes and Russ Kunkell would be proud to hop on those readjusted sparkle wonders.
I just assume any backline kit has:
Bad/broken/pitted/dead heads
Stripped everything--swivel nuts, tension rods, cymbal wingnuts, etc.
Edges? Who knows? Placed on concrete or asphalt at some point?

If the resonance is somewhat north of Don Henley with Muffls, you are blessed indeed.

I've never had a desire for DW either, but I've never been unhappy with the sound of the practice or backline kits I've played. Some ROOMS just sound awful with everything, too. Have you played a different kit in this room before?

That’s funny…I’m about to go sub for a weekly jam on bass where the set is a DW Design, and the last time I did it, it was the first time they were set up and they sounded like crap. This time, we’ll see what happens.
That’s funny…I’m about to go sub for a weekly jam on bass where the set is a DW Design, and the last time I did it, it was the first time they were set up and they sounded like crap. This time, we’ll see what happens.
Shite..this ain't good Jimmy. Johnny B Good? you reading these?...oh well..youve made your 💵.
Tonight backline kit, and my thoughts?

Utter, utter, crud!

Toms detuned constantly, bass drum sounded woolly and woofy, even with good tuning it still wouldnt keep its tuning and kept sounding boxy, the pearl export in the storage area would of been better.

Head were remo emperor batters.

So DW? IMO? Definitely not worth their price tag

View attachment 140801
Your post is the kind of unnecessary hate speech that turned DFO into a cesspool of brand trashing. You don't like the drums? You're entitled to your opinion, but maybe it would have been better to keep it to yourself instead of coming here, spewing negativity and causing a controversy, which is exactly what you did.
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Shite..this ain't good Jimmy. Johnny B Good? you reading these?...oh well..youve made your 💵.
Actually, it was a lot better tonight and those drums sounded awesome. Even got to play a few tunes. I might have tuned the floor tom higher but that’s just me.
Your post is the kind of unnecessary hate speech that turned DFO into a cesspool of brand trashing. You don't like the drums? You're entitled to your opinion, but maybe it would have been better to keep it to yourself instead of coming here, spewing negativity and causing a controversy, which is exactly what you did.
So no-one Is allowed to dare utter anything negative in here and we have to pretend that life is all rainbows and roses? He's just sharing an experience he had, which I found interesting and insightful. Is that all it takes to tip you over the edge?

How about you grow a thicker skin and reply like a sensible adult (if you are one) instead of getting all worked up over nothing? "Hate Speech"? Seriously? If anyone is causing controversy, it's you.
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