Are Signature Sticks for Hobbyists?

I use Vic Firth STLs so that when I grow up I’ll play just like Thomas Lang… :D (y)
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I guess my point is that I would never start using a stick because one of my heroes was using them. But I would certainly try a pair in the shop, especially if I thought someone's style or approach was very similar to my own.
I use the Zildjian John Riley stick a lot, and perhaps not coincidentally, John and I play somewhat similarly, touch and sound-wise (although he’s WAY better than me!) But I’ve also used the Vic Firth Keith Carlock stick a lot, even though his style and the type of music he plays is quite different than what I usually do. He may prefer heavier weight versions of his signature stick, but I’ve found that at light weights, it’s a fantastic jazz stick.
One of my favorite sticks is a sig stick - the Benny Greb model. First from ProMark and now from VF. I don't use them exclusively, but they are ideal for me, for certain applications. And it has nothing to do with BG (I actually looked into his drumming *because* I liked the sticks!).

It has to do with the feel of the stick.
I instinctively dislike signature models of basically everything, so if I end up using something from a signature line it must be really perfect for me (I've played Steve Gadd signature vic firths for many years ).
Signature products are mostly about feeding the artist's ego.

Sig sticks if it's a model that is already in production, are easy enough to add a player's signature too. I don't know if they still do it, but Vic Firth used to have a program that you could add whatever printing to stick as long as you ordered a min of 50 pairs plus whatever setup charges.

Who buys them all? That's a good question. Particularly since so many signature models are limited runs, and very few stay in production long term. But assuming one has enough fans, that may be worth it. I mean when you go to the t-shirt booth at a major concert, you can often buy so's-and-so's stick model at an inflated cost.
Stick is a stick for me.
Tried a bunch over the years. It just so happens I really gel with the vic firth 'Steve Smith' model. I'm not a fan of Smith, or ever listened to his work. I'm sure he's very good, but I just really like his stick. It's a drag they are more expensive than other generic vic firth sticks.
I think I've also tried their 55A, which is ok.
I really liked Tony Royster Jr. sticks and used them a lot when they were readily available at my local shop. Now I've been using regular VF 5A hickory sticks and I don't feel like changing them as they just work for me. Maybe I'll order some with a barrel tip since that's what I really liked on the Tony's signature pair.
Whenever I go to a well-stocked shop and see ALL the different artists sticks, I suddenly feel lazy and just buy what ever regular stick I use. Although I did buy a pair of Abe Laboriel’s stick to try - they’re just too big for me to use them on anything I do - but their design is different from a lot of sticks out there, I like playing them on a pad.

When I read long ago that Buddy used a “medium weight stick that feels good in my hands” that kinda tainted it for me. If he can be that great playing whatever he has on hand, then that was good enough for me. And that went for all the drumming gear I use.
for drum set, i use VF 3A's....before those, I was using Pro Mark PW808's....have never used a signature stick on drum set, mostly becasue they are all too skall for my liking,

but in marching/concert band, I only use Signature sticks (and mallets) because they all have individual tweaks and characteristics that I absolutely notice. I also have studied with many of the greats, and they gave me sticks just because of the relationship we have.

I actually had a small part helping Thom Hannum develop his Vic Firth sticks years ago. He had our class play with quite a few prototypes for a week back then, and we filled out surveys and did "R&D" with him on them.

I probably own one pair of every Marching Sig stick from Vic Frith, Innovative Percussion, and Pro Mark from the past 20 years. 2 bags full to be exact.
Stick is a stick for me.
Tried a bunch over the years. It just so happens I really gel with the vic firth 'Steve Smith' model. I'm not a fan of Smith, or ever listened to his work. I'm sure he's very good, but I just really like his stick. It's a drag they are more expensive than other generic vic firth sticks.
I think I've also tried their 55A, which is ok.
You've really never heard a Journey song?
You've really never heard a Journey song?
We should all be so lucky 😃

I´m in the "whatever works" camp. It just so happens that my favourite sticks are/were the choice of some of my favourite drummers - Vater 7A Manhattan (Nate Smith, Kendrick Scott) and Vic Firth SD4 (Bill Bruford, Dave King).
I used to use the Vater Chad Smith stick, a slightly weightier 5b with an acorn tip. I have little knowledge of The Red Hot Chilli Peppers work but the stick suited me.
I now use the discontinued Vic Firth Marky Ramone stick, it sits between a 5a and 5b and is slightly longer. I like the shaft size, the length less so, but at a fiver a throw when I bulk bought for a pair of American Hickory Vic Firth sticks I can live with it.
I just bought three pairs of VF Benny Greb sticks to keep in my stick bag for rock gigs. I like 5Bs, but the Grebs just sounded and felt better than any regular 5Bs in the shop at the time.

Steve Gadds are my favorite sticks for recording. That ride cymbal sound is special.
I never understood the appeal. Do YOU have the same size hands as your favorite drummer? No? Maybe? I mean, someone bought me Phil Collins sticks as a gift, but it was like trying to play with eyebrow pencils. Pass.

I’d happily use signature sticks, if I liked how they feel in my hands. I’ve never gravitated towards trying any though.

However, what I’d be mindful about is those sticks being discontinued in the future.

I’d say that’s more likely than a standard stick

(Although, saying that as someone who’s had their favourite VF 1A sticks recently discontinued 😭)
While I like a 5A and 5B I also frequently use the Benny Greb Signatures and the carter McLean. Both feel really good to me.

I use whatever feels good