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    • G
      GSL reacted to Stroman's post in the thread Apparently, You Tube Is No Longer Free with Like!! Like!!.
      I'm old and don't mind commercials. That's how all broadcast media was payed for as I was growing up. It does bother me that the...
    • G
      GSL reacted to doggyd69b's post in the thread Kids today with Love Love.
      When I see things like this: I regain hope.
    • G
      GSL reacted to Smoke's post in the thread Kids today with Love Love.
      You and I would sound like peas in a pod, @GSL. Thanks for the rant! It's good to know that I'm not the only curmudgeon wondering what...
    • G
      GSL reacted to Smoke's post in the thread Kids today with Like!! Like!!.
      I kinda already knew this, but it's good to get a reminder now and then. I think... :unsure: My middle son is 39 years old in 2024...
    • G
      GSL reacted to Xstr8edgtnrdrmrX's post in the thread Kids today with Love Love.
      dude....all of this means that you are getting old!!!! I have had this same revelation 3 times in my life!!! (I am 55) Especially the...
    • G
      GSL reacted to Xstr8edgtnrdrmrX's post in the thread Kids today with Like!! Like!!.
      I am 100% behind the notion that social media is the root of all evil, and will gladly shake my fist at that cloud forever...
    • G
      GSL replied to the thread Kids today.
      Every new generation thinks that they've invented EVERYTHING. That's always been the way. C'est la vie. Before they came along, they...
    • G
      GSL replied to the thread Where's Al Strange???.
      Just hope he's OK; as far as I'm aware, there wasn't anything controversial going on that might have caused Al to want to take a break...
    • G
      GSL replied to the thread Where's Al Strange???.
      PM'd just now(y)
    • G
      GSL replied to the thread Where's Al Strange???.
      Thank you!!!:love:
    • G
      GSL replied to the thread Where's Al Strange???.
      If I knew how, I would! Silly old fools & technology can be a problem...:rolleyes:
    • G
      GSL replied to the thread Kids today.
      I think that Smoke has hit the nail on the head- but IMHO, it's still the "Sheep" mentality. Seems to be a positive step in the right...
    • G
      GSL reacted to Smoke's post in the thread Kids today with Like Like.
      Awesome, @Palaeographical! I'm glad for your renewed excitement. Nothing can turn a vocation into drudgery more completely than being...
    • G
      GSL reacted to Palaeographical's post in the thread Kids today with Love Love.
      Sorry in advance for the rant. I've been reading and feeling a lot of negative thoughts about the state of the music industry, and of...
    • G
      I agree with many of the points @AudioWonderland is talking about...the biggest one being that: busy is ALWAYS bad.....and simple is...
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