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      Woolwich reacted to RVC's post in the thread Funny And Sad Commentary with Like!! Like!!.
      Joe beat me to it! Here it is again just in case:
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      I've had a quick look, it's sad, the end of an era that looks to me as if he's definitely hung up his sticks and is drawing a line under...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread Disassembly job.
      Yep, I had a 3 up, 1 down Premier Projector and it was only when I took it apart to re head and clean it that I discovered this. The...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread First gig booked!.
      Good on you and good on your singer. A band needs a target to aim for and in my experience if there's nothing in the diary it's easy to...
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      Can't get close. The longest I waited to see a band was 36 years, Scritti Politti finally toured their 1985 release Cupid And Psyche in...
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      Woolwich reacted to RVC's post in the thread Ahead sticks with Like Like.
      @Woolwich, this is the stuff I’m using: Here’s the thread where I learned about it...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread Ahead sticks.
      @RVC I'm having slight grip issues, a shoulder problem has somehow resulted in me using the joint of my thumb to hold my left stick and...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread People want to borrow gear.
      And there it is, you learn something new every day. The idea that someone would think it okay to clamp a cowbell onto someone else's...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread People want to borrow gear.
      This is often a problem with multi band &/or charity events. What they need is someone who is or was in a band and knows what's needed...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread People want to borrow gear.
      An update on last night. I've recently bought some Mapex Mars hardware and with a gig coming up I thought I'd take the hi hat and snare...
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      Woolwich reacted to Erberderber's post in the thread People want to borrow gear with Like Like.
      Fair enough in that situation, but what would you do if you were told just to bring breakables and did so accordingly only to be told...
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      Woolwich replied to the thread Cozy Powell - Record Breaker.
      Wow 🤣. As old fashioned as tea but that's given me tears in my eyes and a massive smile. Right there is a generation of entertainers...
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      Woolwich reacted to Yamaha Rider's post in the thread Cozy Powell - Record Breaker with Haha Haha.
      You have to wonder whether Noel Tidy Beard was running that show for the benefit of his school age audience or his own street cred... 😁
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      Woolwich replied to the thread People want to borrow gear.
      You know what? I've been on Drummer world for years and I'm not sure that I've ever seen this photo. Cough.
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      Woolwich replied to the thread Backing tracks.
      A very good point. These bands are getting paid the same or slightly less locally so there's no net saving. Tbh it's looking like this...
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