Your Best Drum(mer) Memorabilia

1st I have to say this site and forums is really fun. Drummers being cool to each other is great. I am glad to be able to hang with all of you, a real honor for me.
To the topic now, I have so many memories and probably forgot some of the things I may still have. My best piece of gear I lost to a storage auction around '87 it was acquired used for $80.00 around '79, when I was 11 wanting to join school band. It was a gretsch snare drum. Silver sparkle. Didn't know what I had then. I got a tommy lee drumstick and alex van halen. I saw Garabildi on a yamaha clinic tour where he offered his students the manuscript of his unfinished first book, which he signed. sometime round '83. I hung out with so many bay area drummers I would forget to list someone. hahaha Btw Steve Smith was the most KIND, AND humble drummer I have met. The talking drum player, Sikiru Adepoju from Mickey Hart's Planet Drum gave me their first two cd's. Karl and Raul from Santana, Karl actually gave me one of those old school gangsta kisses one on each cheek while holding my head with both hands and invited me to family dinner anytime he said. Boy that left me with a shock, I was like did he really just do that? I intentionally put myself in a position to be around this, so I was the drum manager for a couple years at guitar center. We had clinics all the time. Paulo Mattioli, Kalani, Walfredo Reyes Sr, or was it Jr Im bad. Hey it was about 30 years ago. Rusted root came in once for about 6 hours and hung out. Also gave me their first two cd's, So it is hard to pick a favorite. Sorry I am so wordy. Oh 1 more, I was tasked to find celebrity drummers to judge our drum competition, and called Alex Van Halen, he returned my call and the person who answered put him on hold and announced real loud over the stores intercom, said my name "ALEX VAN HALEN IS ON LINE 2 FOR YOU", so that might have been my favorite thing.
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My picture with Fred Gretsch at NAMM '18. Such a great guy.