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    • Luv4drums
      I have never played odd times in a band. oh wait, Them Bones by Alice in Chainsis in 7/8, played that. But, its pretty much over my head...
    • Luv4drums
      It has 5/4 in it but not the whole time.
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Flat chinese.
      My current family, the 2nd hat is under the top hat. Just realized my 17" sabian aa crash is not pictured there. So there is that one more.
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    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Flat chinese.
      I once had an 18" sabian aa fast chinese, that was perfect, hard to find another like it. I am ultimately planning on a 16"' china on...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums reacted to jda's post in the thread Flat chinese with Like Like.
      Of course we can read Flat Chinese. The flat applies to the edge calling it "Flat Edge Chinese" was voted down in early Monday morning...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Flat chinese.
      You guys notice it says "Flat Chinese" right on the cymbal? My concern playing it like a crash is the edge is much thinner and looks...
    • Luv4drums
      Doesn't Freebird originally fade out? You know they do the epic punches with a quadruple bass tom flam for the last note live.
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums posted the thread Flat chinese in Cymbals.
      Ok so I prefer china cymbals be mounted with flanged side out bell down opposite crashes and rides, but what do I do with this?
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    • Luv4drums
      I say the more unlikely it is for a song to turn into a jam at the end the more I want to go all 80's hairband epic huge sustained...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Sabian 18" AAX Rocktagon.
      I also had an 80's AA rocktagon 18". It was useful for limited purpose, Cymbal swells with mallets or a Gong sound. It literally was a...
    • Luv4drums
      I have heard those quiet cymbals and sabians high end ones are great sounding. Not so much the lower end ones. If the day ever comes for...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Drum fills/rudiments.
      Saga World Apart HUGELY underrated. That was an "on the beat" drummer, didn't play behind or ahead of it, but mechanical like a machine...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Drum fills/rudiments.
      Another idea is to play 5 notes between beats, like how triplets will start on R the next beat is on L, Same thing but adding 5 instead...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums replied to the thread Drum fills/rudiments.
      Ah, sounds like me, with Dio right there in the mix. I was into Vinnie more than his brother Carmine. Definitely played along with...
    • Luv4drums
      Luv4drums reacted to Xstr8edgtnrdrmrX's post in the thread Drum fills/rudiments with Like!! Like!!.
      yep...most of the guys i know started learning fills that way.... A LOT of famous drummers admit that that is what they did...
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