Thinking of getting my dream kit.

I have a maple standard kit (2 of them actually) but the shell layup with mahogany and maple (I think) is amazing, I wish one of my kits had those shells.
Here’s a more rock sized 5 piece for under 5k brand new

  • 8" x 10" - VLT (Vertical Low Timbre)
  • 9" x 12" - VLT (Vertical Low Timbre)
  • 14" x 14" - X-Shell (VLT but with cross laminated X pattern)
  • 16" x 16" - VLX (Vertical Low Timbre/diagonal grain)
  • 18" x 24" - VLX+ (uses 3 vertical plies for a lower fundametal)
I'm looking into the cherry shell DW's. I'm not crazy for Gretsch. That stuff is for jazz people. Ludwig is everywhere around here and they're ok but not really high end to me anyways. Some of the stuff on this DW web page is more confusing to me than helpful. I have a guy in Cincy trying to talk me into a Sonor beech kit. I don't know much about Sonor.
I'm looking into the cherry shell DW's. I'm not crazy for Gretsch. That stuff is for jazz people. Ludwig is everywhere around here and they're ok but not really high end to me anyways. Some of the stuff on this DW web page is more confusing to me than helpful. I have a guy in Cincy trying to talk me into a Sonor beech kit. I don't know much about Sonor.
Sonor beech is not a bad recommendation at all…they‘re some of the best sounding drums on the planet. But they are pricey and a lot of times to get the finish you want, unless you get lucky and find just the right thing in stock…you will have to order it. I think they estimate 12-14 months. You’re probably looking closer to 8k for a 5 piece Sonor SQ2 beech kit

Did I mention how phenomenal they sound? Lol. They’re arguably worth the wait and extra expense if this is your “forever” kit
They are in the low 5k area as long as you take a standard veneer with semi gloss and chrome hardware.
I can’t find low 5k’s new…but Ya i see the white sparkle 5 piece at 6k….I’m just trying to be conservative with the estimate since I’m thinking JB is wanting a more exotic type finish than a basic since this is a “forever kit”. Personally, I‘d love any 5pc sq2 kit! White sparkle would be no problem. I see an african marble semi gloss for 6800 too

And of course….always, always call these places. Doesn’t matter which brand you’re shopping for…places like Sweetwater it’s always a good idea to call for the rock bottom price….the worst they can say is “nope….that’s the price on the webpage”. I doubt it….they’ll deal.
I can’t find low 5k’s new…but Ya i see the white sparkle 5 piece at 6k….I’m just trying to be conservative with the estimate since I’m thinking JB is wanting a more exotic type finish than a basic since this is a “forever kit”. Personally, I‘d love any 5pc sq2 kit! White sparkle would be no problem. I see an african marble semi gloss for 6800 too

And of course….always, always call these places. Doesn’t matter which brand you’re shopping for…places like Sweetwater it’s always a good idea to call for the rock bottom price….the worst they can say is “nope….that’s the price on the webpage”. I doubt it….they’ll deal.

Yeah I hear you .. remember those prices you see are usually just the map from Sonor so you are not looking at final pricing.. you should be able to get 10-15% off those with the right dealer.. and this goes for most drum companies.
I always feel like the odd man out because recommending something for someone else without knowing how they tune and play and what they hear and like seems kinda sorta ridiculous.

If youve heard and played DW Collectors and LOVE them then hell to the yeah... find a kit online thats in stock that you love and git er done. Bit of you're contemplating options and looking around, maybe try and drive to a good drum shop to get a hands on experience. You might be surprised at what you hear. Or not :)

Either way... good luck and have fun shopping
someone here showed me the inside label of a DW drum and -on it- is the grain orientation for that particular drum- in the event- you come across- a set in store/stock- and they haven't the specific specs
Can you visit Drumcenter of Portsmouth?. I'm not recomending a thing. You focus on your dream drums full speed ahead unhindered. Good luck and may the force be with you. I'm super excited for you. 😃
My only recommendation would be to get out there and play as much as you can, and enjoy the process!
I've got 30,000 free miles on United from a flight they cancelled on me so I thinking about heading up to Drum center Portsmouth for a day to check some stuff out. Do they let you hit stuff?
I've got 30,000 free miles on United from a flight they cancelled on me so I thinking about heading up to Drum center Portsmouth for a day to check some stuff out. Do they let you hit stuff?
Get..on..that... ✈ and go. Of can spank some DWs. Chase those dream drums!..were all behind you brother.
I've got 30,000 free miles on United from a flight they cancelled on me so I thinking about heading up to Drum center Portsmouth for a day to check some stuff out. Do they let you hit stuff?
Great idea - I would call them ahead of time and tell them you're coming and what you're thinking. I'm sure they would have some stuff ready for you.
I'm not crazy for Gretsch. That stuff is for jazz people.
With deep respect, let me offer a name: Charlie Watts ;). (Of course, he loved jazz, too.) Another would be Phil Collins. And in my younger days, I loved watching Debbi Peterson rock her Gretsch set (but early adult hormones were a contributing factor.) I have several Gretsch sets, and I am not ashamed to say I'm a Gretsch fanboy. My 12/13/16/22 is definitely tuned for classic rock.

But as a FYI, I have my eye on a local DW Jazz set (maple/gum) being sold through an estate sale. I might be playing some local gigs as a favor to a friend, so I want a solid kit to gig with. I've owned DW before and they're great drums.

The others have given you great advice, go play on some. Take your time, and listen to what you play on. You'll do great!
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I'm looking into the cherry shell DW's. I'm not crazy for Gretsch. That stuff is for jazz people. Ludwig is everywhere around here and they're ok but not really high end to me anyways. Some of the stuff on this DW web page is more confusing to me than helpful. I have a guy in Cincy trying to talk me into a Sonor beech kit. I don't know much about Sonor.
The fact that you say things like Gretsch is "stuff for jazz people" and Ludwig's high-end offerings aren't as high end as DW tells me that you might want to open your mind a bit and admit that you're just going off some marketing hype and ignorant opinions formulated by yourself or others. Basically any of the major brands' high end stuff is going to be comparable. Just because DW hypes up their gimmicks as some evolutionary step in drumcrafting and they pay out the big bucks to have everyone endorse them doesn't mean they are actually the be-all end-all. I've tried a lot of different kits from a lot of different brands and price ranges and at the end of the day they all sound like drums. To me, the only ones that have stood out as something truly unique are the steambent solid shell kits and metal shell kits. I'm not saying those are better, just that they actually have a more pronounced difference in the character of their sound compared to traditional plywood. Yes you can hear a difference between poplar, maple, mahogany, etc. and different bearing edges and such, but I find it to be quite minimal, particularly in a live music setting with everything else going on. Anyway, I guess my point is that I agree with the other guys saying you should go out and try some stuff and just try to keep an open mind. Heading to Portsmouth doesn't sound like a bad idea. You never know, all of those high end kits are gonna sound good - the deciding factor might come down more to a certain finish on a certain kit or form or function of a certain brand's hardware.