Storing and traveling - Floor tom legs IN the floor tom case?

Keep em in your hardware bag. Label each set with a colored sticker representing the color of the set theyre for.
I have only two floor toms (14”, 16”). The legs are all the same length but the memory locks are positioned and set for each drum. I remove the legs and transport them in the hardware bag. I differentiate them by bundling each set with a specific color Velcro cable tie (orange for the 14”, blue for the 16” - as if anyone cared).

I did this with stands before buying a rack. It was pretty foolproof. After getting the rack, clamps and tubes were labeled 1, 2, 3, etc. Wish I still had that thing.

I didn't start the color-coding until I got a rack. My big set has too many pieces that all look alike out of context. I color code and write on the tape things like "CYM 18" or "RIDE" or whatever it takes help me drop everything into the right clamp or whatnot.
Huh. My floor tom legs are too long to fit in the case, so I'd have no other choice than to put them in the hardware bag.
I never even considered not putting them with the rest of the hardware in the hardware box that has wheels. Peace and goodwill.
I leave them on. The bags fit around them just fine.
Funny you should post this just now, after the memory lock thread, I got to thinking about maybe just leaving the legs on mine. I hadn't done it previously, cuz I was using bags for storage. Now that I found some old school vulcanized fibre cases, they might fit in the case while still on the drum. Gonna try that this weekend and see if it works! Otherwise, they'll come off and go in the gear box, like they have all along
Tried mine last night, won't fit in the case with the legs on...oh well, gear box, it is!
I gig with 3 kits also. I label the FT legs and put each set in these sheet music stand bags. I carry them in my hardware case, but I suppose they'd fit in a FT case.
Great idea! Cheap, too. I just ordered a couple. Thanks for the tip!

Wish I could help with the original question but I transport my hardware loose in the trunk of my car, slightly protected by a moving blanket. I gig so infrequently that it works for me. Putting my floor tom legs in bags will be an improvement. 😄
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I transport my hardware loose in the trunk of my car,
I did this for years until it was obvious I was going to transport my gear from my van to the venue in the rain. That day was the day I bought bags for the kit (before the gig).

While shopping, I was considering hard cases vs. bags and the shop owner showed me that all the bags could be stuffed into the bass drum bag. Only a couple hard cases would nest inside each other. That tipped my choice to the cheap set of bags.

Before the gig, as I was pushing my gear cart across the street in the rain, I briefly felt smart.
I did this for years until it was obvious I was going to transport my gear from my van to the venue in the rain. That day was the day I bought bags for the kit (before the gig).

While shopping, I was considering hard cases vs. bags and the shop owner showed me that all the bags could be stuffed into the bass drum bag. Only a couple hard cases would nest inside each other. That tipped my choice to the cheap set of bags.

Before the gig, as I was pushing my gear cart across the street in the rain, I briefly felt smart.
Good call on the soft cases. Like you, I stuff them all in the bass drum bag, Russian doll-like. One trip out to the car before sound check and you're all set.
I have only two floor toms (14”, 16”). The legs are all the same length but the memory locks are positioned and set for each drum. I remove the legs and transport them in the hardware bag. I differentiate them by bundling each set with a specific color Velcro cable tie (orange for the 14”, blue for the 16” - as if anyone cared).

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So much this! This is exactly what I do. You can get a lot of 100 of these on Amazon for cheap. I use these on all my kits that are "stored" to keep the legs together. I used to used rubber brands, but they would alsways break!
I have electrical tape in a few different colors that I use in addition to memory locks for all of my hardware.

Basically, I put a small piece of tape on the clamp and wrap a small piece around the tube (or floor tom leg, in this case) that match in color.

That allows me to very quickly match up every leg to the drum, every cymbal stand top to boom arm, every tom mount to tom holder just by quickly sorting by color.

That way I can throw everything in my hardware bag and I don't have to worry about finding new ways to lose parts or damage drums or the interior of my car.


Seriously; this little trick saves me minutes of fussing during a gig set up. I do the same thing with a few other pieces of hardware as well.

And No. Floor tom legs are hardware and belong in a hardware case, not in a drum case.
Mine have their own pocket in my hardware bag. They've got memory locks so that's the real timesaver.

My floor and rack tom both live in one case.

I ended up totally cheaping out, and it works. I bought these long utility gloves from harbor freight. I was able to fit all 7 of my Slingerland floor tom legs in one glove. It’s a pretty tough rubber material, so I ended up putting all the legs in my 18” floor tom case. 8 bucks a pair!


I ended up totally cheaping out, and it works. I bought these long utility gloves from harbor freight. I was able to fit all 7 of my Slingerland floor tom legs in one glove. It’s a pretty tough rubber material, so I ended up putting all the legs in my 18” floor tom case. 8 bucks a pair!

I traveled with one of the gloves holding my 7 Slingerland FT legs in the FT case last night. It worked great! It's always good to find low-cost solutions even if they are a little untraditional. :)