Help with purchasing drum mics for recording


Junior Member
Hi everyone, I'm Tyson from Australia and I'm new here.

Basically I'm after some of you with experience to assist me in choosing some mics.

I've been slowly saving and getting my kit up to scratch, as well as getting some recording gear together. I bought the TASCAM US1800 to record with, and now I'm onto the mics.

I was looking at some of the packs available for under $600 AU like this one:

But alas, I really have no idea what I'm doing. Zero experience with mics. So please hit me up with any suggestions. I'm after at least a snare, kick and two overheads.

Thanks in advance.
Those would be fine. The idea here is to do the best with what you have. Theoretically, if you had three Shure SM57's you should be able to cover your kit and get, at the very least, a decent sound. So I guess I'm saying get whatever you want, and learn how to use them. It's the same basic principle behind buying a drumset - you bought what you liked, but the talent comes from playing those drums and making them sound good. You can do the same thing with the microphones. I've stuck any number of mics on different drums, and stumbled upon a great recorded sound when I moved the mic around as little as an inch from where I previously had it. It's experience like that that sorta negates the types of mics you have.

I own a number of stock Shure SM57s and SM58s, because I can use those on anything (other instruments or voices), and I have one big diaphragm studio condenser mic I use for serious vocals, and a couple of pencil condenser mics. Depending on where I put it, the EQ I put on it, or the effects, or the compression.....there's so many factors that you can do to it to make it sound great. Just get the mics you want and start experimenting. It'll be fun and frustrating at the same time ;)
Man do you all in Australia always pay that much shipping? I'd be looking for some place in your country to buy if possible, that shipping cost just kills me :-o
I use an AGK D112 for my kick for live use and recording. I also use a cheap Apex DP7 kit , but I sold the kick drum mic. This whole setup new costs me only about $450 and it works great. But if u can find some Shure sm57's for cheap, then I urge u to jump on them.
Edit: the pack I have is not the Apex DP7. It's something cheaper by Apex, but it does work great. I'll let u know what pack it is when I get home. The only mic I didn't like out of the kit was the kick drum mic.

I-5 snare
D-2 rack toms
D-4 Floor Toms
D-6 Kick Drum
Adx51 Overheads

Probably can find em used on ebay or CL
I agree with SaturnRules 100% with one minor recommendation:
Overheads: Audix CX25a "MATCHED PAIR," if you can find them. Absolutely as real and natural as I've heard. For me, I think they sound amazing... (to my taste).

IF you wish to add a HH mic, I also like the Audix SCX1.

Hope this helps.
Thanks All,

Definitely tempted by the audix stuff you've suggested.

Might go with an i5 snare, D6 kick and the cx25a matched to start with, and worry about toms and hi hats later.

Before I go ahead, I should mention that I'm recording in a very small room. about 5m x 5m with 2 metre high ceilings. Wil these mics be ok for this?

Oh and kona It actually works out cheaper for me to pay shipping from other countries due to the Australian dollar being quite good atm.
G'Day Tyson.

I use that mike kit, and they work fine for the garage band hackery that my grey ponytailed buddies and I scratch out. I use them on my practice kit that is over at my buddies jam space. For the overheads I use a pair of el cheapo behringer C-2s. I keep the PG-81s at my jam space (man cave) for home use.

I am still pretty new to this electronic sound reinforcing jiggery pokery, so I doubt that I could give much in the way of technical advice. I have a few different brands and types of mikes, and I am constantly playing with application, placement, eq etc.

The Shure PG pack work fine for me, and the price listed in your add makes me wish I would have seen it before I bought mine.

Good luck in your search.

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