Crazy pic of 5-piece kit's components laid out.


Senior Member
I was watching this drum restoration video and thought this pic looked interesting. It's crazy when you see it like this!


Whoa…that’s a lot of parts. My luck, my dachshund would run into that table chasing his bone lol.

So, was that the period correct thing to paint the kick hoops and that 1 tom a darker color?
Interesting picture. And it seems that most internal mufflers are missing.

It would scare me to do the same kind of picture with my own kit since there are lot more parts involved with the gaskets, suspension system, tube lugs,...
I did take appart all the kit but never all the shells at the same time !
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Interesting picture. And it seems that most internal mufflers are missing.

It would scare me to do the same kind of picture with my own kit since there are lot more parts involved with the gaskets, suspension system, tube lugs,...
I did take appart all the kit but never all the shells at the same time !
No doubt! I took mine apart too, but only one at a time just because I was afraid I’d lose parts. Hard enough to keep track of one drum worth of parts.
that was the set in the earliest 70s "Pro Beat"
I know in Thermo gloss maple I wanted one but was expensive (for a "first" new kit) .. but that was the dream
-from that catalog picture 71-1 catalog. (or a silver sparkle double-bass
kudo's to the guy for going thru the trouble to resurrect
Nice post
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But remember - they’re gonna ring at a pitch determined by some guy hitting the bare shell with his fist and recording the tone when you put all that stuff back on 😂😂😂
Its cool until someone trips and kicks the table and everything goes flying... :LOL:
...or pet, and a bunch of those tiny parts fall into that vent on the left...! :oops:😵‍💫
How long did it take to lay out all those parts so neatly? And I thought I was anal… I put everything in ziplocks, and keep each drum’s parts together.
Whoa…that’s a lot of parts. My luck, my dachshund would run into that table chasing his bone lol.

So, was that the period correct thing to paint the kick hoops and that 1 tom a darker color?
Yeah, I wondered about that, too. What's with the one dark tom, especially??