Angry sellers

Bo Eder

Platinum Member
I felt compelled to kinda troll this guy (unintentional, of course). What is it with the angry sellers?

This guy was selling a kit he just bought last year and he’s flat-out berating people on the conversation that his price is fair and “you’ll never find this deal anywhere” blah blah blah. All I did was caution that he’d be lucky to get half of what he spent because it’s a buyer’s market with everybody selling their gear from this past pandemic and now with the lowered economy.

So I prodded him that he’d have to find a guy who wants exactly what he bought now used. If it isn’t a Beatles/Bonham/Buddy kit, good luck. Man, did that just unleash the anger. He pushed back saying he’s already getting offers “almost” at his price! So I asked him why he didn’t take any of those? It was like winding up the Tasmanian Devil - highly amusing but a little sad too.

I’m sure if he was nice to everybody and kept the conversation decent we’d probably help and spread the word. But oh well. Don’t be an angry seller!
Like with power toms? Certainly an ACDC fan would snag it :D
Devil's advocate here:

If someone has something over-priced, why is it any of your business? If you aren't interested in buying, just move along. Nothing good will come of saying, "Your item is too high." What did you expect them to say? "OH! You're RIGHT! I AM charging too much. Thanks!" The market will tell the seller this by default. If the seller is trying to rip someone off, that's one thing; however, if the item is simply overpriced, just say nothing.

Once again, I have no dog in the fight here; I'm just trying to see this from the seller's point of view. If a seller is hell-bent on his price, I'd just fall back to my default, "You know, you're probably right!" and leave it at that.

On the flip side, I got in touch with a seller in PA who was selling a script-badge vintage Rogers Powertone 3-ply kit with snare in Koa wrap for $100. I told him he was charging too little for it and to not get ripped off. He replied with "Not available," so it was probably a scam.
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Devil's advocate here:

If someone has something over-priced, why is it any of your business? If you aren't interested in buying, just move along. Nothing good will come of saying, "Your item is too high." What did you expect them to say? "OH! You're RIGHT! I AM charging too much. Thanks!" The market will tell the seller this by default. If the seller is trying to rip someone off, that's one thing; however, if the item is simply overpriced, just say nothing.

Once again, I have not dog in the fight here; I'm just trying to see this from the seller's point of view here. If a seller is hell-bent on his price, I'd just fall back to my default, "You know, you're probably right!" and leave it at that.

On the flip side, I got in touch with a seller in PA who was selling a script-badge vintage Rogers Powertone 3-ply kit with snare in Koa wrap for $100. I told him he was charging too little for it and to not get ripped off. He replied with "Not available," so it was probably a scam.
It’s none of my business. My reaction is fueled by how he was already treating the others who were just being nice about it. You go on a public forum and start beating people up for their opinions kinda deserves a little trolling - like yours does 😉
It’s none of my business. My reaction is fueled by how he was already treating the others who were just being nice about it. You go on a public forum and start beating people up for their opinions kinda deserves a little trolling - like yours does 😉

You know, you're probably right! :cool:


Anyone wanna buy some Sonors?
I felt compelled to kinda troll this guy (unintentional, of course). What is it with the angry sellers?

This guy was selling a kit he just bought last year and he’s flat-out berating people on the conversation that his price is fair and “you’ll never find this deal anywhere” blah blah blah. All I did was caution that he’d be lucky to get half of what he spent because it’s a buyer’s market with everybody selling their gear from this past pandemic and now with the lowered economy.

So I prodded him that he’d have to find a guy who wants exactly what he bought now used. If it isn’t a Beatles/Bonham/Buddy kit, good luck. Man, did that just unleash the anger. He pushed back saying he’s already getting offers “almost” at his price! So I asked him why he didn’t take any of those? It was like winding up the Tasmanian Devil - highly amusing but a little sad too.

I’m sure if he was nice to everybody and kept the conversation decent we’d probably help and spread the word. But oh well. Don’t be an angry seller!
I like the buyers who get ticked off that I won't sell to them at their ridiculously low offer price.

By far, my pet peeve are the sellers who say "Of the 15 drum sets I own, this is BY FAR the best sounding drum set I've EVER owned! I can't believe I'm selling it! All the producers I work with love this set and demand I bring to the next session!"

"So, if it's so great, why are you selling it?" I ask.

"Just thinning the herd, man."

Yeah, right...No one sells their best instrument if they have several.
I like the buyers who get ticked off that I won't sell to them at their ridiculously low offer price.

By far, my pet peeve are the sellers who say "Of the 15 drum sets I own, this is BY FAR the best sounding drum set I've EVER owned! I can't believe I'm selling it! All the producers I work with love this set and demand I bring to the next session!"

"So, if it's so great, why are you selling it?" I ask.

"Just thinning the herd, man."

Yeah, right...No one sells their best instrument if they have several.
Yep - those are amusing. But getting defensive on people who could potentially help you I don’t get.
Did you ask @Darth Vater why he’s selling?:unsure::ROFLMAO:
Very funny but I do hate that. :mad: I understand what Bo's saying but you shouldn't make assumptions about why someone's selling or why they should keep it. If the guy is asking crazy money nobody will buy it whether it's Sonor, Rogers, Tama et al. I don't think it's worth trolling people over.
I'd like to see the link so I can see if it's outrageously priced.
Sonor owners can certainly have a complex about their gear and not all Sonor is the real good stuff. In the 80s and much of the 90s most German lines were power toms.

Sonor owners always seem frugal yet trying to make a buck at the same time. Recently I noticed a HiLite Exclusive on the used Guitar Center site late night. It was listed at 2k plus tax and shipping; and included one copper tom stand. Power toms, extra long 17 x 22 bass drum and that copper was a deal breaker for me.

Mixing copper and chrome looks ugly to me. So I listed it on the Vintage Sonor FB page… the place where all the SonorMuseum refugees ended up. It got bought hours later and was then reposted on FB at 3300. Welcome to the world of Vintage Sonor; it wasn’t worth 2k to me let alone 3k plus.