If chops matter then, why are Ringo and Lars

We're still discussing luck. For well over a year.
We're still discussing luck. For well over a year.

people have been discussing luck for thousands of years!!!

this is just one of the ripples in the pool....
The OPs question was If chops matter, why are RIngo and Lars the highest paid drummer ever.

So technically he implied that neither has chops..
The rest of us just went on a long tirade agreeing or disagreeing.
Then it diverted into luck which half the forum stated that it is NOT a thing and the other half believes it is. I personally added some examples of why I'm part of the second camp in that one.

I don't think there is much more to add to this...
Yeah, if Bob Rock asked to produce my band I’d tell him to “get outta here St Anger, and take that “lucky Lars” snare drum with you!” :ROFLMAO: (y)
Clearly if I got to even work with him meant I was in a band like Metallica so yes I could then tell him to get on his bicycle...
He seems to know what a snare actually is... I don't think it was his call...
Lars Ulrich, the guy who ordered the bass on And Justice For All to be mixed so quietly it may has well not have been on there, being dictated to by a producer is hilarious! Those guys are known for not being easy to produce, yet they sit there and say “Yes sir” to everything Bob says. You don’t really expect anyone to buy that, do you?
You're trying very hard to pretend not to see the obvious. That's why your statements get blow back in these discussions.
I just don't think luck is the most important reason people are successful in their careers, albeit luck sometimes helps in some way.
Secondly, there are many, many children of famous folk who have never done a thing successfully. How successful is James McCartney?
Those guys are known for not being easy to produce, yet they sit there and say “Yes sir” to everything Bob says. You don’t really expect anyone to buy that, do you?
Well there was a documentary about them making an album. I watched it a few years ago and can't remember, but I think everyone was fairly collaborative. They neither gave in to everything Bob Rock suggested, nor dictated to him.
The OPs question was If chops matter, why are RIngo and Lars the highest paid drummer ever.

So technically he implied that neither has chops..
The rest of us just went on a long tirade agreeing or disagreeing.
Then it diverted into luck which half the forum stated that it is NOT a thing and the other half believes it is.
To be more accurate, everyone agrees 'luck is a thing', it's the extent to which it shapes lives which is the argument.
Also on from that, Lars and Ringo are the most hotly debated drummers across the whole internet. People constantly claim they are lucky - which is code for not professionally deserving....or worse "making more money than me while not being a better drummer than me".
I think musicians like a solid drummer and audiences can go ape over a chop fest lunatic. However the “chops stick “ (hee hee) isn’t used by everyone to equal effect. Dennis Chambers has monster chops but it’s a tool he uses wisely.
As aside I’ve always wondered why you’ve got pork and lamb chops but a beef loin chop is a T-bone steak? Just proves my point not everyone has the ability to produce chops. LOL 😂 I can’t help it.
I'm too old to debate "Lars" and too old to question "Ringo".

It's a narrow neglection of at least 45,000 other on record drummers
from Dallas Taylor to Ginger Baker one could learn from it's not too late
I just don't think luck is the most important reason people are successful in their careers, albeit luck sometimes helps in some way.

I'm not aware of anyone saying it is the most important thing. But I may have missed a quote somewhere?
Luck is just inescapable is my point.

Secondly, there are many, many children of famous folk who have never done a thing successfully. How successful is James McCartney?

Not my issue. You'll have to take that to whoever brought it up. That form of nepotism happens, yes, but not my point at all.
Oh ya, the famous kids. Speaking of which….what ever happened to Julian Lennon? I always liked that Too Late For Goodbyes….catchy tune haha
Steve Jobs was successful because of Steve Wozniak.
Jobs had ideas, Wozniak had the ability and knowledge to make them a reality.
Fate, luck, karma, etc caused their paths to cross.