Ride Recommendation

I love my 22" Sabian AAX Omni, great stick sound, bell and crash. Super versatile. There's an HHX version too.
The link above has a whole heap of suitable Sabians. Go through and listen on the YouTube for a general sound profile. The HHX Complex line in thin, med-thin, med, are nothing short of outstanding instruments.

...and I'm a Paiste player. 😁
The Zildjian K Sweet 21" ride is somewhat thin and very crashable, with a nice bell. I'm not sure if it has a "large" bell, though. Maybe more of a medium bell?

Are you looking for a more articulate bell? You should give the Sabian Evolution rides a look. They are medium-thin and crashable, and have a very nice and clean bell sound.
old no ink 60s early 70s Avedis Zildjian 22" under 2600g
Have to look hard or get lucky.. mine is 2588g
got lucky bout 7 years back tuff today to find but let hope spring eternal on the used market
same in a 20" under 2000g-
A. Zildjian Sweet Ride. Available in 21" or 23". Excellent all-around cymbal. I would say they would be classified as "Medium Thin". Also, the now discontinued Zildjian "Armand" Series had good 20" & 21" Rides that were Medium Thin with larger and solid bells. In fact, the A. Sweet Ride is based off the same design as the Armand Ride. The whole Armand series was discontinued except the 19" "Beautiful Baby" ride with 3 rivets, and the 21" and 23" A. Sweet Rides are essentially Armand Rides 2.0
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20" Cymbal & Gong Holy Grail ("A-type"), 1909 grams. Designed after a 50s A. Zildjian, approximately jazz weight, strong bell.

I have two of those on hand actually, this one plays a little lighter:

I personally wouldn't recommend Cymbal & Gong. When I was in the market for a gong a two years ago I checked there and there are no gongs available. I've checked numerous times since and still no gongs. It's in their name.
Perhaps they should just call themselves "Cymbal".
Hi guys,
Can anyone recommend a 20" or 22" medium thin or thin ride with a large bell?
I recommend the Paiste Masters Thin Ride, but in 24”. There is a sound difference when the cymbal gets bigger - you get a nicer “tah” sound and a better wash, as you get bigger. In fact, mine also makes a nice explosive crash too. I can use it alone with my 17” Signature Traditional Steve Jordan hi-hats to cover any gig (but I keep a 21” crash just in case).
The link above has a whole heap of suitable Sabians. Go through and listen on the YouTube for a general sound profile. The HHX Complex line in thin, med-thin, med, are nothing short of outstanding instruments.

...and I'm a Paiste player. 😁
I love the HHX Complex line. All of the rides are fantastic!
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I personally wouldn't recommend Cymbal & Gong. When I was in the market for a gong a two years ago I checked there and there are no gongs available. I've checked numerous times since and still no gongs. It's in their name.
Perhaps they should just call themselves "Cymbal".

Dang, I’m sorry you wasted all that time looking for a product they’ve never offered. Give me a call next time, I can save you a lot of time and frustration.
Hi guys,
Can anyone recommend a 20" or 22" medium thin or thin ride with a large bell?
Maybe it can be more helpful if you tell us what genre/genres you intend to use this ride to play... I'm sure there are a few here that would recommend some tried and trues.

Maybe not your style of music but you can hear how his ride (Paiste Rude) cuts through the mix. maybe too much for what you want to achieve but some example to illustrate the point.

I recommend the Paiste Masters Thin Ride, but in 24”. There is a sound difference when the cymbal gets bigger - you get a nicer “tah” sound and a better wash, as you get bigger. In fact, mine also makes a nice explosive crash too. I can use it alone with my 17” Signature Traditional Steve Jordan hi-hats to cover any gig (but I keep a 21” crash just in case).
I agree the larger the cymbal the more it changes, but 24"... if you have 4 cymbals no problem, but if you are like me with 10 or 11 cymbals then it just takes way too much real estate.. something to consider.
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