Talent level and band option


Platinum Member
Is there a level of talent to which you will not allow yourself to be a part of a band with friends?. Not an I'm better than you so I can't partake in this but as the last band I'll be a part of I simply don't want to feel bad on stage. I'm clumsy at asking this and wanted wisdom with this situation. I'd go on but don't want to sound primadonnaish.
Only you can answer but it is best when band members are near the same talent level. They say play with the best players you can, best but not always possible and ,at some point, we all have to compromise. If I had friends that wanted to play but weren't stage ready I guess I'd want to jam but keep it non-gigging.
Thanks moodman. I'm going to have to pinpoint here. The two guitar players are stage ready..hmm..how do I say this. It's like doing a Robin Trower tune and you have Chuck Berry. Now Chuck is the king...doing his thing BUT. Now this will be ALL NIGHT doing copy tunes. Would you be OK?. The two are great guys....i don't want to jump into this and two months later go...see ya..gotta go.
Is there a level of talent to which you will not allow yourself to be a part of a band with friends?. Not an I'm better than you so I can't partake in this but as the last band I'll be a part of I simply don't want to feel bad on stage. I'm clumsy at asking this and wanted wisdom with this situation. I'd go on but don't want to sound primadonnaish.
Who do you think might be lagging in the playing dept within the band? If it's not you, a good drummer can bring a lot out of others in the band and the band overall.
It is frustrating being in a band with "lower level" players - no matter how good mates they may be. I am not a technically gifted player, so I pride myself on playing simple and error free. When other members of the band keep fluffing their parts or are happy just doing what they do and not striving to at least be the best that they can be,then it does diminish the joys of being in a band.
I can not be in a band with my friends. None of them are practiced enough. They are make a mistake, stop, think about it, try to find their place, need to start over players. Never really put any serious time into learning their instrument. It's not their fault. Some times they will get together just to jam and have fun. I cant do it, it's too frustrating and not fun for me. I dont wanna play with folks who cant complete the song, even if they are my friends.
I am currently in two bands and in one of them I have this issue. Overall, the band has gotten pretty good. I am generally the teacher/ pusher for higher quality play. But there's one guy that creates a continual level of low grade frustration for me sometimes rising enough to being on the edge of quitting. He just doesn't get it or do the work. Even with explanation he doesn't know how to do the work. It's not his fault but at the same time his approach is difficult to tolerate for me. They are all friends and I feel stuck. Someday I would like to move on.
I always liked teaching people things about something I'm either good at, or have some knowledge about it. Pass it forward type of guy. I've played with some really good talented players that tolerated me but helped me to play better. I've played with really weak players and the main issue is they don't know how to practice-so go over 10-20 songs poorly rather than focus on one and get it right-so nothing seems to progress or get better in bulk. I love playing with anybody no matter their skill level-it's all fun to me. I don't like arrogant dicks-I have a big chip on my shoulder with them and want to take my chip and stuff up their butts. They remind me too much of my Dad and two older brothers-know it all ass wipes.
I'm in a good band. Right from the outset they took a position - accomplished players only that seek excellence. I love working with them. They are friends and I respect them. I'm in some other bands, or jam groups, and I host an open mic. These other bands are full of nincompoops that have trouble with chords. I don't know why I bother with them. It's more pain than anything else. I skip lots of their sessions.
I can not be in a band with my friends. None of them are practiced enough. They are make a mistake, stop, think about it, try to find their place, need to start over players. Never really put any serious time into learning their instrument. It's not their fault. Some times they will get together just to jam and have fun. I cant do it, it's too frustrating and not fun for me. I dont wanna play with folks who cant complete the song, even if they are my friends.
Yeah...I'm with you on this. I couldn't work that way. I put in a lot of work getting the songs right so I'm ready for jamming or gigs. I need others to do the same.
Try this:

Imagine you're an audience member and you're watching the band with a different drummer.

Would you be saying to yourself, "I'd love to be in this band."?

Your honest answer will shed light on if the band is a good fit for you.
I have, when doing it for the money, learned that I had to make peace with the music and play stuff that I didn't like, as though I loved it, just wanting do do my best as a sideman.
I agree with the idea that a good drummer can make a band sound better (or any instrument player who can lift the music where needed) Playing with less talented players you can (painfully) learn how "fix" SOME short comings and, hopefully, lift their musicianship.
However, a band can only play as good as the weakest link, and not being able to play to your full potential can be frustrating enough to make it too much like work.
I'll play for free and enjoy the music and bandmates before I'll resign myself to playing for the $$$ with a group that's no fun or worse, not all that good..
mine Is the only way to deal when you work for my employer 😐

At least we don’t deal with “lower talent” level (I know that sounds just wrong - they did hire me)
It is frustrating being in a band with "lower level" players - no matter how good mates they may be. I am not a technically gifted player, so I pride myself on playing simple and error free. When other members of the band keep fluffing their parts or are happy just doing what they do and not striving to at least be the best that they can be,then it does diminish the joys of being in a band.
i just left a band i was with for 2.5 yrs for that very reason,but it was hard, we be came good friends and they were good band mates.
As a bass player I played and toured with some amazing musicians, literally some mind-blowing pros I was humbled to work with.

As a drummer, any musicians on my basic level would probably drive me crazy.
I've actually had the opposite problem. I've played in bands recently where I'm clearly the weakest link as the drummer and the guitarists/bass players are significantly better musicians. While each of them were very accepting of me and gave me offers to join their bands, I passed because of how intimidated I was by their skill.

Nobody wants to be the crappiest musician in the band so I'm still searching for more intermediate-ish level players like myself so I feel more comfortable.