Why did you get fired?

Well, it happened to me yesterday!!! LET GO! I was playing for a church praise band since September of '08. Roughtly 7 months. No pay. Strickly volunteer. I wanted to give something back. I had been practicing for about 2 years by myself after a 20 year layoff. I even auditioned and was accepted as the drummer. I played my old accustic kit with new heads, hardware, and cymbals.

Four months into this gig, the talented, kind-heartted, expert music minister, teacher, and leader everyone loved leaves to go to another church. What happens next was totally unexpected. The church elders bring in this flashy, cocky, egotistical guitar player as leader. I say leader because there is no "minister" aspect to this guy. Think David Lee Roth and you get the universe-sized ego and all the garbage that goes with it.

Supposedly this new guy "has recorded in Nashville", so everyone is impressed...except me. I keep quiet since being recorded is no big deal to me. I was recorded all the way through school and in college. No big deal.

This new guy has been with us since January when he "took over the band", so to speak. I hear from our rhythm guitar player immediately about problems with this new dude's choice of chords. In other words, they are odd and extemely difficult. Not the sort to be used in normal praise music. I offer up my sympathies to our nice rhythm guitar player.

I start hearing through the grapevine that 1) I'm playing too loud, 2) not playing loud enough, 3) am playing "just fine", 4) I am doing a great job, and 5) I'm nailing every part perfectly.

Who to believe, since I am told by our new "leader" that I'm doing just fine and "it sounds great, dude. Peace brother"!

Yesterday I get told by our nice rhythm guitar player that I am being replaced by this new "leader's" friend, his drummer from another band. And this decision happened within the last 48 hours.

That is after the church spent some money on an electronic kit, whicn I was told I am playing well on and nailing the parts, AFTER only 1 performance on. Hell, I didn't even get to rehearse on it.

Am I mad I was let go?? I SURE AS HELL AM!!!!!

The head pastor and music minister didn't even have the balls to tell me themselves!!! What a bunch of chicken shits!!??!

Well....thanks for letting me unload.

That's a shame. Those praise bands can be rough. One of the worst political nightmares you can get into is anything related to volunteer church group (my opinion). Don't let it keep you down bro.
Originally Posted by rogue_drummer
Well, it happened to me yesterday!!! LET GO! I was playing for a church praise band since September of '08. Roughtly 7 months. No pay. Strickly volunteer. I wanted to give something back. I had been practicing for about 2 years by myself after a 20 year layoff. I even auditioned and was accepted as the drummer. I played my old accustic kit with new heads, hardware, and cymbals.

Four months into this gig, the talented, kind-heartted, expert music minister, teacher, and leader everyone loved leaves to go to another church. What happens next was totally unexpected. The church elders bring in this flashy, cocky, egotistical guitar player as leader. I say leader because there is no "minister" aspect to this guy. Think David Lee Roth and you get the universe-sized ego and all the garbage that goes with it.

Supposedly this new guy "has recorded in Nashville", so everyone is impressed...except me. I keep quiet since being recorded is no big deal to me. I was recorded all the way through school and in college. No big deal.

This new guy has been with us since January when he "took over the band", so to speak. I hear from our rhythm guitar player immediately about problems with this new dude's choice of chords. In other words, they are odd and extemely difficult. Not the sort to be used in normal praise music. I offer up my sympathies to our nice rhythm guitar player.

I start hearing through the grapevine that 1) I'm playing too loud, 2) not playing loud enough, 3) am playing "just fine", 4) I am doing a great job, and 5) I'm nailing every part perfectly.

Who to believe, since I am told by our new "leader" that I'm doing just fine and "it sounds great, dude. Peace brother"!

Yesterday I get told by our nice rhythm guitar player that I am being replaced by this new "leader's" friend, his drummer from another band. And this decision happened within the last 48 hours.

That is after the church spent some money on an electronic kit, whicn I was told I am playing well on and nailing the parts, AFTER only 1 performance on. Hell, I didn't even get to rehearse on it.

Am I mad I was let go?? I SURE AS HELL AM!!!!!

The head pastor and music minister didn't even have the balls to tell me themselves!!! What a bunch of chicken shits!!??!

Well....thanks for letting me unload

Sometimes its not how we play our instruments that keep us in a spot of high accountability. We have to watch our lifestyle in church and out of church. Not saying this is in your case but God allows things to happen to help us grow either by staying or leaving.
It always hurts when it happens, even if it was no longer a good situation, you still don't want to be told that you are not wanted, or are being replaced.
Look at it this way, you are now free to find a better project. Don't let this stop you from playing, rogue_drummer.
Thank you! You all helped a lot. I just rediscovered my drumming passion and was trying to get my chops back by playing in a church band. Now this mess happens and reminds me of why I got out of music years ago. But everyone is right, I can't let it get me down. I am free to pursue other genres, etc.

It's now one of these situations where I need to go and collect my Djembe, my stick bag, and my gig bag full of odds and ends. They bought a used electronic kit a few weeks ago, so all of my drums and cymbals are at my place - safe and sound.

My mood now is that I don't even want to see those responsible for this decision. I'll have my friend who plays rhythm guitar get my stuff and pick it up at his house.

This is just one more bad experience I wish I didn't have....

Thanks guys!
I have been in a poprock band for a little while now, and they are really ambitious. They want to perform every week as soon as we get a decent set of songs together (which will probably be in about 3 months), and aspire to become a professional, touring band. The problem is that I can't spend the amount of time required on that band. Rehearsals go well, the music is great and the bandmates are all great people, but even if I wanted to I just don't have the time to perform every week. I have several other things higher on my priority list than that band. The lead singer came over to my house today and we discussed this, and I agreed to quit the band.

It's quite a shame, we make great music (If I weren't in that band I'd still go watch their shows and buy their albums), and according the the singer I am a good drummer, a nice guy and the one who makes him laugh most (he has low standards I guess).

But at least there aren't any hard feelings. It's just that I should not be in such an ambitious band. What I need is a band that does what it does just for fun, i.e. no professional ambitions.
We were hanging out backstage and I went through the food line to get some food. The people at the food line told me I needed to get a ticket from the manager. I went to the trailer and Dicky Malone (what a name huh?) was sitting there stuffing his fat face with some of his buddies. I asked him for a food ticket and he told me that he had given them to his friends. I told him that I should get one as they were meant for the band he told me "that's not part of the deal" I cussed his fat ass out and got fired. Definitely worth it!
Oh boy, that would have enraged me!! Kudo's to you for not beating the shite out of him!! I doubt I would have needed to be fired. I'd have walked at that point.
I enjoyed reading the thread entitled “why did you quit the band?” and I thought this would have some interesting responses.

I could only remember two instances where I’d been fired.

In high school I played trumpet in a concert band. A local primary school let us use their building one night a week. In the break we would explore the class rooms and the grounds, sometimes we were a bit naughty. One night I drew or wrote something obscene on the blackboard. It might have been Barney the dinosaur with a rude caption. I got fired from that band because apparently the kids saw it in the morning. Not sure if they just said that to be dramatic, I always remember my teachers were waiting for the students to arrive in our class rooms, so they prob lied about that so that it looked like my cartoon caused actual harm. They could have just given me a warning but oh well.

Many years later (but still being young) I moved to the city and tried out with an originals band as a drummer, I got in. I guess you would call it rap rock? Somewhere between the first and second rehearsal I listened to their music and decided I didn’t like it. In the second rehearsal, I was sitting there looking glum, trying to think of how I could get out of this situation, I think I was too shy or embarrassed to quit, or I felt guilty because I was going to have to. I hadn’t learned the parts, even though they were simple enough. The singer read me like a book and fired me after I paid for the hire kit. I regretted not quitting first because the way he did it was kind of harsh, they sucked anyway.

Professionally, I guess there’s a few bands I’ve filled in with that didn’t continue using me as a fill in but as yet I haven’t been fired as a professional musician.
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There was a band that I jammed with a few times, probably being considered for the drumming chair and not really a bandmember. I lasted about two weeks before they moved on. In listening to a tape I made at one rehearsal - I always taped rehearsals and gigs - I can see why they didn't like what I was doing. I was too busy. Not in an overpowering way, but with little flourishes where they didn't belong. Not sure why I did that, I was always about simplicity and playing for the song, even at age 20 when this occurred.

The band featured Dean Chamberlain, and his girlfriend Martha Davis. Yes, that Martha Davis. They weren't The Motels yet, but soon would have a record deal (sans Chamberlain.)

Funnily, I got some calls a few years later responding to my perennial Drummer Available ads in the local music rags, and it was a group called the Motels, looking to play around L.A. and then get a record deal. Yeah, them and everyone else. I turned down the audition. Twice. I had no idea it was Martha's project, although that probably wouldn't have changed my decision.
I always remember my teachers were waiting for the students to arrive in our class rooms, so they prob lied about that so that it looked like my cartoon caused actual harm. They could have just given me a warning but oh well.
Firing often times you don't know why, even when a reason or incident is cited. Maybe the counselor's son wanted your spot, and they needed an excuse. That is often the case in business anyway. Other times they want you to quit so they don't have to pay unemployment fees or something, so they try to encourage you to leave, this can make for some rough and confusing times.
I never got fired from the drummer's chair, but I did get fired from the crew of a band once. I didn't smoke weed, and they were afraid I was a narc. Lol

Even that was kind of like Liberty Devito's description of getting fired. They hassled me about not smoking, and when I didn't capitulate they just stopped calling me.
It's happened twice.

My 1st band pushed me out for objecting to the songs being picked while we were still cranking up sets. They lasted a few more months before dissolving. The music was boring.

The next band dissolved with a relocating guitar player.

The 3rd band's guitar player's gf suggested we go to lunch because we both worked at the mall. At lunch she said not to tell the guy. Wtf?! First off, why did you suggest this, then? 2nd, I told her I wouldn't do anything out of the way as long as they were together. So she told him we went to lunch the next day. Oh, it's 1 of those deals. I wasn't fired but he didn't believe my version so that was too big of a sticking point for me to get past. I told him she told my gf that she's quit her birth control without telling him, but he didnt believe that either. She got pregnant. He stayed with her until he died. The band didn't last but a few months. I don't know that he wanted me to leave, but felt more secure with her that I did. They were nutty.

The next band was successful, but grew stale after a few years, so I left when the drummer did. They continued for over a year afterwards.

The 2nd band I was fired from, I worked flooring for the bass player (who couldn't play bass). When work dried up he decided I couldn't be in the band because he couldn't afford to employ me for a day job. Lol. I only played 2 gigs with them.

I enjoyed the singer's voice, the guitar player was brilliant then and is still active and highly respected. The drummer who replaced me was never heard from again. Just kidding. He's a staple in this area now and does lots of work in high demand.
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Always jumped before I was pushed. It's a fun story so get comfy ;)

The funniest one was a band who were signed that had recorded their first album (well it was the front man who recorded it himself) and I joined, learned the entire album in a day. (Real whiny indie, had that kind of I still piss the bed vibe to it)

Anyhoo the only gig I played was the album launch which I still have the DVD of, absolute comedy gold. The bassist was that bad he was a root note plectrum player and was singing BVs that out of tune you can hear the sound guy just turn him off. It was a big stage and they all put their amps on the drum riser. The guitarist played one note guitar solos and had to change guitar every song but had the same tone. Also nobody showed up other than their girlfriends. I've never been more thankful of being single. Gig finished and said Yokos stormed the stage and beat me to the dressing room which was all of 15 feet away.

Cue the inevitable band meeting where they were blaming their shitty playing on my drumming and I was told the quote I'll take to my grave,

"We need a drummer who's also a musician"

As the only bloke in the band in possession of a music degree and any formal music training I laughed and got my gear from the practice room. They never played another gig. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch
Always jumped before I was pushed. It's a fun story so get comfy ;)

The funniest one was a band who were signed that had recorded their first album (well it was the front man who recorded it himself) and I joined, learned the entire album in a day. (Real whiny indie, had that kind of I still piss the bed vibe to it)

Anyhoo the only gig I played was the album launch which I still have the DVD of, absolute comedy gold. The bassist was that bad he was a root note plectrum player and was singing BVs that out of tune you can hear the sound guy just turn him off. It was a big stage and they all put their amps on the drum riser. The guitarist played one note guitar solos and had to change guitar every song but had the same tone. Also nobody showed up other than their girlfriends. I've never been more thankful of being single. Gig finished and said Yokos stormed the stage and beat me to the dressing room which was all of 15 feet away.

Cue the inevitable band meeting where they were blaming their shitty playing on my drumming and I was told the quote I'll take to my grave,

"We need a drummer who's also a musician"

As the only bloke in the band in possession of a music degree and any formal music training I laughed and got my gear from the practice room. They never played another gig. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch

That was well described, lol. The imagery sounds pretty familiar too.

The out of tune backing vocals is pretty familiar, lol.
I stopped getting calls from one band I played a few shows with. They were more of a bluegrass band, but wanted a drummer for some of their dance music and club gigs. They scored a gig at a big festival, and they invited everyone to play but me because the bass player hated me. They actually handed out all of the information and arm bands in front of me one day after a gig...didn't even wait until I left or did it inconspicuously. They ended up firing the bass player, and I moved on to much better things.

They played 25 shows in the past two years.

I played right at 120 during the same time.
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not bragging, but I have never been fired from anything...bands/jobs

I did not make some auditions - many auditions actually - but never told to leave a band that I was in.

I have only had 3 jobs in my life, and I "willingly" left the first two (2 week notice type deal from restaurants), and my current teaching job is my 3rd
I was fired from a 6-piece classic rock/blues band almost 20 years ago. Reason: I decided to go back into the US Army Reserves after 9/11. Since we played almost every weekend, this would have conflicted with many of the band's gigs. I had a fill-in drummer already lined up, but frankly; that's a lot to ask of a band. They politely told me to "pack up". I departed calmly and professionally.

In the end, it worked out fine. We went our separate ways and I never saw them again. I ended up going to war, had all sorts of cool assignments and eventually retired from the Army. Looking back on this decision, serving my country and having a lifetime pension proved far better than drumming with a group of guys who really weren't my friends.
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I guess this is a normal thing for bands, but my "hired gun" mentality got me excused from a project. I played with a classic rock band and did two gigs with them, but when they insisted I always be available for band rehearsal on Sundays (regardless if there was a gig coming up), and I couldn't do those because I'd be out playing with other people, they couldn't handle that and we parted ways. It was the weirdest thing. I was brought up to play with whoever you could. I had no idea bands wanted you to be loyal to them only once you were in. Needless to say, it was good for both of us. I wonder what those guys are doing now....