
I'm probably not buying any of these any time soon, just like I'm probably not buying overengineered magnetic tom mounts or curved cymbal boom arms. A solution in search of a problem.

I was actually thinking about that crazy magnetic tom mounts a few days ago. I've looked at a million drum ads, and I've seen a lot of cool stuff for sale, but I've NEVER seen one of those. I don't know if anyone bought them.

I do appreciate the fact that people are still out there trying new things with drums to make our lives easier and better.
I was actually thinking about that crazy magnetic tom mounts a few days ago. I've looked at a million drum ads, and I've seen a lot of cool stuff for sale, but I've NEVER seen one of those. I don't know if anyone bought them.

I do appreciate the fact that people are still out there trying new things with drums to make our lives easier and better.
You're not wrong, and we wouldn't have cool things like thirty-one flavors of isolation mounts, holes of all shapes and sizes in cymbals, or internal mic mounts without people taking crazy ideas and making them reality (all of which I use and greatly enjoy). And I can hardly begrudge people for hyping their product, because after you sink all that capital into making them, then you actually have to sell a few of them. And to be honest, if I were to post an A/B recording of a drum with an isolation mount, and one without, would we hear the difference?

In this case, though, the website is actually really not great from a marketing/information standpoint. It took me FOREVER to actually see the product on the website and understand where and how it mounted on the drum (not a great sign); the copy is all about the purported sound benefit, but with no explanation of the mechanism or theory. Usually when it's an add-on piece of gear that improves a drum's sound, you get all sorts of evidence supporting the claim. When people started putting out isolation mounts, you'd see soundwave diagrams of an unisolated drum and an isolated drum. You'd see science about nodal points and vibration and resonance. This is all fluff, no buff. And that's why I don't think it's even actually a thing.
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Exactly, the site makes it look like someone made a little decorative flange in their workshop and then asked their cousin (who got an A on a grade school paper once) to write up copy promoting it. Nothing in it makes actual sense.
I love when companies claim that "science" backs their product, and then go into elaborate detail in which there is absolutely no scientific rigor, testing, experimentation, data, or anything that actually resembles science. Lots of claims but no proof of it working, or working because of the reasons they listed. I'd wager that any sonic difference that occurs because of the product has more to do with the fact that the standing waves that persist in a cylindrical resonant chamber are disturbed by the mere existence of literally anything in a shell. But there are much cheaper and significantly more effective ways to accomplish that.
I love when companies claim that "science" backs their product, and then go into elaborate detail in which there is absolutely no scientific rigor, testing, experimentation, data, or anything that actually resembles science. Lots of claims but no proof of it working, or working because of the reasons they listed. I'd wager that any sonic difference that occurs because of the product has more to do with the fact that the standing waves that persist in a cylindrical resonant chamber are disturbed by the mere existence of literally anything in a shell. But there are much cheaper and significantly more effective ways to accomplish that.
I feel like you and I could be best friends :ROFLMAO: More smoke and mirrors, am I right?
safe to say I'm ignoring anything named tonewing

tell ya a caution there; you unscrew a lug and can't get the screws back in
that's sa-yo-na-ra time

As far as the magnet method. I do "collecT' magnets in my spare time.
I’m gonna call you “the fridge” from now on @jda ! Stay frosty mate!:ROFLMAO:(y)
I'd wager that any sonic difference that occurs because of the product has more to do with the fact that the standing waves that persist in a cylindrical resonant chamber are disturbed by the mere existence of literally anything in a shell. But there are much cheaper and significantly more effective ways to accomplish that.
I’m going to advertise a drum service that will free up your tone, clear up congested or sterile sounds, and give you the gloriously open tones of the drumming legends, by *removing* Tonewings!
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There really isn't a lot of published research in drum related physics (not high quality). Funny this sounds like one of my hair brained schemes LOL. First I think they promote a false premise that you want to prevent the shell from vibrating or you need to redistribute forces. The brass wings will absorb and "process" the energy to redistribute "energy" sounds more like your adding a re-ring to stiffen it-also a mass effect. No way going to "gain energy"??? I have no idea why the wings look like counter current baffles-since it's fenestrated. I wonder if you flipped them to go clockwise would it matter LOL. Why 4-what if you just used two or three-maybe you really need 6. Oh the possibilities are endless ROFL. If they resonate the wings will act like little tuning forks and your shells will hummmmmm for days..

You know they could sharpen them up and weld some together and make some hellish brass knuckles. Save their company. I want my cut for the idea.
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This looks like a job for...

Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF
How did you know I was watching Castle?!

....must've been the Red Bull...(because it gives you....wings....I'll let myself out)
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