Tom tree or VBD?

Due in part to this thread, I paid WAY more attention to my virgin bass drum and mounted tom in its snare stand at the gig tonight than I normally ever would. Took some pics and came to the conclusion that my preferred tom positioning would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with a tom tree (never heard that term before this forum, so thanks for a new one!). I think it would be easier to achieve with an old school rail mount, but no need to do that for me since the snare stand works just fine. It's great for us drummers that there are so many options available to get our drums positioned exactly how we wish.

VBD. It's mostly for tom placement. The kick drum, i.e. my right leg, is not at the kit's center.
The fact that VBDs look better is just coincidental.
I'd much rather have a virgin BD ..... simply because it looks cleaner. And in the case of "vintage" drums, a virgin BD is usually worth more (because they are more rare - usually special order items). But I won't pass up on a kit if it has a mount, and it's something I want.
Have a 20 with a tom mount, a 22 virgin and a 22 that might as well be a virgin because Ludwig had no idea where to place the mount on a 16” deep shell back in 83. I can’t get a 13 x 9 tom where I want it on anything but the 20, though, so snare stand.