Projection is greater with thick shells.
I take issue with this. Sound travels at 1100 feet/sec. Would they have me believe that sound travels faster than 1100 feet a second with a thick shell? I hope not.
Sound travels at 1100 feet/sec. So where does the term projection come from? Could it be possible that a thick shell produces more midrange that sounds more prominent? In my mind, it isn't projecting any different, but the thick shells tend to accentuate the midrange more. This makes more sense to me. The more mass the higher the pitch. So it's an EQ thing in my mind. Not projection. If I turn the midrange up on my EQ, does that means my EQ projects better? I don't think so. Maybe. It's a perception/frequency thing.
A thick shell accentuates the midrange more, making it easier to hear. Is that projection? To me it's EQ. Gray area.
Me I don't want my drums to be mostly midrange thank you very much. That's why I prefer the tone of thin shells...a more balanced frequency profile to my ear. Especially the lows. Not something I want to sacrifice.
I am not claiming to be right about this. It is my own personal anecdotal evidence that makes sense to me.