Post your Gig Pics

Cheers, & I’ll be sure to tell him :LOL:

He’s always switching between red & blue. Tells me they’re completely different setups - I’m not so sure. A Ric sounds like a Ric.

No mistaking that sound!

that is funny cause the bass player in my band makes fun of me for bringing all of my cymbals: " why do you need 7 of those? Don't they all just go psssssssssss? "

From yesterday with Tumbao, at the NC State Fair. Backline DW Design (which impressed me!) with my cymbals, cowbells (including a recently acquired humongous JCR bell), jam blocks, hihat stand (gotta fit the left foot clave in there), and the older shallower Dunnett Ti.

Thankfully it was a balmy mid-60s day, and I thought we all played really well!
Here's a few from last weekend...





didn't realize the floor tom Legs - never having them- on the Gretsch.

the angle
goes back to the 80s or so very cool bottom angle
didn't realize the floor tom Legs - never having them- on the Gretsch.

the angle
goes back to the 80s or so very cool bottom angle
Well that's a first in terms of compliment: nice floor tom legs angle. ;-)

I don't know if I recall correctly but didn't you have or used to have a set of the 2010 run of Broadkasters? Those have angled legs.
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Hey all,

Just catching up on posting some pics from the last few months of touring - been a wild ride this summer.

The first picture is form this amazing art community in Arizona called Arcosanti - funkiest spot with like the biggest party ever....crazy stories from this place. It was actually the last place we played before the pandemic hit too a couple years ago...right before everything got locked down.

Second shot was from an amazing outdoor show we played at The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in NYC. Had a blast...tons of folks came out and stopped on their commute, etc - wonderful day and we're actually headed to play at The Smithsonian proper for 5 days here in November.

The Levitt Shell was another killer semi-outdoor show. That kicked off our big summer tour and was our biggest audience - around 3500 people there specifically for us and not like a festival or anything.

The Spirit Coalescent is a show our band does that mixes painting, photography, dance and poetry into a whole big thing and I just liked that photo (I may have already shared it - if so, apologies).

We got to spend 5 days at Sonoma University and do out "D'DAT Suite" which is a symphonic arrangement of three of our songs into one suite and we also worked with a composer to commission a new original piece for us and the symphony called "Iktomi" that we debuted. We have a couple more of the symphonic shows lined up in 2023 too....totally wild hearing stuff we wrote in our bass players living room played by 80 people.

The last picture was from WOMAD South wild backline set (Yea...that's a gong and I actually used it...the guy before me left it on stage and said I could use whatever I wanted so I did haha). Had a blast in Johannesburg. We're also working with 2x Grammy award winner John LIndemann on producing our next album that will feature several South African musicians...he's the guy that helped worked on Paul Simon's "Graceland" back in the day so we're pretty stoked to be working with him. Also there's a piece coming out in the NY Times about the South African album and our band - so when that comes out I'll share it. It's written by our friend Michael Powell who is a long time NY Times Writer and Author.

Busy summer, hence my time on the forum being very sparse.....lots coming up in November too then only a couple dates in December which is great around the Holidays.

Cheers all!


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Kick-snare-hats only for the job tonight. Couldn’t fit anything else in the tiny little space we had. I enjoy the challenge of removing pieces and still making it good. Light game was on point for the bass drum reso head.

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I like those lights and the fan haha - I JUST added a fan to our tech rider. Makes all the difference!
Kick-snare-hats only for the job tonight. Couldn’t fit anything else in the tiny little space we had. I enjoy the challenge of removing pieces and still making it good. Light game was on point for the bass drum reso head.

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What are the dimension of you kick drum?
BTW, I have the same rug.... came from Home Depot - which is at least across the street from Guitar Center.