My Music City Custom Snare Verdict

I'm not certain that statement is true. The snare obviously meets C.M.'s expectations. It's his money. What gives anyone else the right to be critical? I don't understand that thinking, I guess.
This is commerce 101; we look at the price and ask 1) Does is meet quality expectations? 2) Is priced accordingly? In this case, yes to some but this is completely subjective, we are entitled our own opinion here otherwise we'd all be playing Pearl drums.

As already stated, I think it seems like a very fine instrument but the price point seems off comparatively. Anyone here can say this because they buy drums too. There are now alot of solid shells on the market as well, so unless you have absolute brand loyalty as exhibited here, many of use will compare as such.
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This is commerce 101; we look at the price and ask 1) Does is meet quality expectations? 2) Is priced accordingly? In this case, yes to some but this is completely subjective, we are entitled our own opinion here otherwise we'd all be playing Pearl drums.

As already stated, I think it seems like a very fine instrument but the price point seems off comparatively. Anyone here can say this because they buy drums too. There are now alot of solid shells on the market as well, so unless you have absolute brand loyalty as exhibited here, many of use will compare as such.
This thread was posted by a popular member of the community to celebrate hooking his dream snare drum. I don’t recall @C.M. Jones asking for opinions on “quality expectations” or “pricing”…in the context of this thread those things are irrelevant? :unsure:
Does this mean your toms and bass are about to get mega upgrade? 😉
Congrats on your purchase, looking forward to your feedback, always been rather intrigued by walnut as a shell material.
Does this mean your toms and bass are about to get mega upgrade? 😉
Congrats on your purchase, looking forward to your feedback, always been rather intrigued by walnut as a shell material.
Thanks, @Pootle. I have no plans for a setup makeover at present. I'm quite pleased with my Session toms and bass. The Music City Custom snare accompanies them beautifully. I'll provide a more in-depth review tonight or tomorrow.
This thread was posted by a popular member of the community to celebrate hooking his dream snare drum. I don’t recall @C.M. Jones asking for opinions on “quality expectations” or “pricing”…in the context of this thread those things are irrelevant? :unsure:
Hi Al, I'm of the opinion this is an internet forum where these things could be discussed. If we were all hanging in a drum shop together, I would bring up the same topic...I don't think I broke any forum rules here and if you are interested why I came to my personal price, I'm happy to discuss where something like a comparative N&C/Craviotto sets a price quality standard on SS snares. At the end of the day, I would find it hard to believe that my measly opinion would dissuade any purchase regret given the love I already see here, maybe quite the opposite (lol). But I can't ignore that Pearl is over charging their customers in some respect here.

I recognize that anytime you put people together, you create a social hierarchy, even on a internet forum. So if one disagrees with a popular member then it creates discourse as I'm 'out-ranked'. Please don't take anything personal out of this, we are only talking drums.
Hi Al, I'm of the opinion this is an internet forum where these things could be discussed. If we were all hanging in a drum shop together, I would bring up the same topic...I don't think I broke any forum rules here and if you are interested why I came to my personal price, I'm happy to discuss where something like a comparative N&C/Craviotto sets a price quality standard on SS snares. At the end of the day, I would find it hard to believe that my measly opinion would dissuade any purchase regret given the love I already see here, maybe quite the opposite (lol). But I can't ignore that Pearl is over charging their customers in some respect here.

I recognize that anytime you put people together, you create a social hierarchy, even on a internet forum. So if one disagrees with a popular member then it creates discourse as I'm 'out-ranked'. Please don't take anything personal out of this, we are only talking drums.
Ok mate, I just didn’t understand how your comments were relevant or helpful, but that’s just my point of view of course. Would you seriously walk up to me in a drum shop after I bought my Paiste blue bell ride and imply I could’ve bought a better Zildjian ride at that price point? :unsure: I know it’s only drums mate, nobody dies if we express an opinion, popular or not.(y):)
Hi Al, I'm of the opinion this is an internet forum where these things could be discussed. If we were all hanging in a drum shop together, I would bring up the same topic...I don't think I broke any forum rules here and if you are interested why I came to my personal price, I'm happy to discuss where something like a comparative N&C/Craviotto sets a price quality standard on SS snares. At the end of the day, I would find it hard to believe that my measly opinion would dissuade any purchase regret given the love I already see here, maybe quite the opposite (lol). But I can't ignore that Pearl is over charging their customers in some respect here.

I recognize that anytime you put people together, you create a social hierarchy, even on a internet forum. So if one disagrees with a popular member then it creates discourse as I'm 'out-ranked'. Please don't take anything personal out of this, we are only talking drums.
Respectfully, I just know that I wouldn't want someone draining their boils on my parade if I just got a brand new "lusted after" snare drum. I'd bet money that we're alike in that manner. I'm happy for CM. He got what he wanted. Fun thread for sure.

Some people buy with their head, others with their heart, some buy with heart and head. CM IMO is the latter. This was no impulse buy.

I'm curious as to what the 5 things are. You sound like you have your preferences pretty well thought out. I love hearing that. If you wouldn't mind sharing them with us, I'm all in. And I'm also with you with the N&C drums. I'd take them over most anything.

And to be fair, not that you need it, but I'd come to your defense too if someone was dissing your personal choices.
I'm all for healthy debate and discourse, but let's not permit this thread to descend into a bickering match over trivialities. My personal view is that it's rather impertinent to call someone's gear selection into question after he or she has made a purchase and is thoroughly pleased with the outcome. I'm not sure how anything positive can result from throwing cold water on the celebration.

Try this analogy on for size: You're introducing someone to your wife, and he knows you're happy in marriage. His response, however, is "Man, you got a questionable deal here. I hope you didn't spend too much while dating her, because you could have done a lot better." Belligerent would be the only way to label such statements. They serve no purpose beyond instigating strife.

I'm immune to naysaying tactics. As a deliberate, thoughtful fellow who ponders a broad spectrum of factors before making gear decisions, once my mind is set, I carry on with confidence and trust my instincts. I love Pearl, and I love my new Music City Custom snare. If I could turn back the calendar a few days, I'd order the same drum again. My upcoming review will bolster that claim.
Would you seriously walk up to me in a drum shop after I bought my Paiste blue bell ride and imply I could’ve bought a better Zildjian ride at that price point?
If Stewart actually secretly records on a scimitar zildjian ride then I would lock the front door, hold on to your ankles and beg you to reconsider.
I'm curious as to what the 5 things are. You sound like you have your preferences pretty well thought out. I love hearing that. If you wouldn't mind sharing them with us, I'm all in. And I'm also with you with the N&C drums. I'd take them over most anything.

1) N&C has a custom brass throw off, Craviotto has a really nice throw-off as well. Some else stated the PMC is a $30 throw off and quite frankly, that looks about right. If it functions, great but we are talking $1k here to be spoiled with best possible.

2) Tube lugs make sense to me here. When you have them them split, you put tension on edge as opposed to a tube lug design that distributes this tension off the shell. Plus it's a lot less hardware attached to the shell compared to individual lugs. Whether the tension theory has a sonic difference is arguable (but puts less tension on a shell like an SS which makes sense for longevity or stressing in moisture conditions). Certainly less hardware on shell has a sonic effect

3) 100% brass lugs are are more costly but I'm an absolute proponent and make more sense from a sonic perspective as a so called "resonating alloy". Plus they have their 'nodal point' mounting which makes sense to me as well. These are the appointments I want on a high-end drum. I believe Craviotto's are brass as well (just plated)

4) N&C makes all their re-enforcement rings to match the species of the wood shell. I prefer this both conceptually and aesthetically; especially when isolating for so called 'sonic purity' here. The other side of the argument is that historically, un-matched rings happened all the time and Craviotto does the same. But I have no doubt this is more costly and labor intensive on N&C opposed to having a line of maple rings ready for mass production. Does this actually have a sonic influence....I've asked this before and remains a mystery. But I believe enough small details add up to a major detail.

5) Oil finishes are usually cheaper, Pearl could have cut a bit here just on this alone. I happen to prefer oil and their inlays are nice so this is really minor and a choice.

6) And finally, we know N&C and Craviotto are making their shells in-house; they are responsible from point A to Z in the process, US made guaranteed. I don't know where PMC shell is coming from but all signs point to Taiwan. N&C are not paying a worker overseas a fraction of labor cost, sticking the customer a US/Japan/German price and then putting a big US flag as a campaign trickery punchline to justify a boutique price. If you don't read between the lines, you may think this is 100% US made (it's just assembled). I have nothing against Taiwan, they make many great drums as well but we know it's cheaper....I'm sorry but I find this a bit sleazy. Again, they are great sounding drums (at least on video) but if they are saving significant overhead then unfair to stick it on the customer here....just drop the price to make it fair.

And to be fair, not that you need it, but I'd come to your defense too if someone was dissing your personal choices.

Thank you, but I have no issue if someone opposing views on my gear choices. I've learned alot reading on boards just to hear what people play, what they like, what they don't like. In the end, it's a personal thing so it's only a discussion in the end and never right or wrong. I honestly never thought this would rain on the parade, CMJ seems beyond overjoyed with a great drum to play that it would be impossible but if by some slim chance you enjoy your drum less due to this discussion, my apologies.
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Beautiful -

Is the snare lighter than the Session Select, which I think are light?

How about projection and overall chemistry along side The Sessions?

Pearl has been very active participants in the snare market for quite sometime.

I would venture to say that this snare has the same shell construction as their Philharmonic/Concert lines.
Notwithstanding the throw off and snares, these are made for a working musician, geared towards a different field of study.

In particular, Pearl’s MCC series higher end single bentwood model using age old ship style steam bending technique which is also found in their Orchestral lines.

The Music City Custom badge also gets an upgrade as they are cast by the same company that manufactures our law enforcement badges.

C.M. Geeky question: Can you confirm the badge’s quality?

I see no problem with the price point.
I'm all for healthy debate and discourse, but let's not permit this thread to descend into a bickering match over trivialities. My personal view is that it's rather impertinent to call someone's gear selection into question after he or she has made a purchase and is thoroughly pleased with the outcome. I'm not sure how anything positive can result from throwing cold water on the celebration.

Try this analogy on for size: You're introducing someone to your wife, and he knows you're happy in marriage. His response, however, is "Man, you got a questionable deal here. I hope you didn't spend too much while dating her, because you could have done a lot better." Belligerent would be the only way to label such statements. They serve no purpose beyond instigating strife.

I'm immune to naysaying tactics. As a deliberate, thoughtful fellow who ponders a broad spectrum of factors before making gear decisions, once my mind is set, I carry on with confidence and trust my instincts. I love Pearl, and I love my new Music City Custom snare. If I could turn back the calendar a few days, I'd order the same drum again. My upcoming review will bolster that claim.
As usual, you have stated more eloquently and completely than I was able, the exact point I was trying to make. 😁

Carry on, and drum away! Can't wait for the review.
Beautiful -

Is the snare lighter than the Session Select, which I think are light?
I haven't conducted a formal weight comparison. The Session snare is 5.5" deep, whereas the Music City Custom is 5.0," but the Session also has a thinner shell (5.4mm compared to 8mm). I don't notice a substantial weight difference when holding the two drums. I'd need to put them on a scale to give you a reliable response.
How about projection and overall chemistry along side The Sessions?
They Music City Custom snare accompanies my Session kit beautifully. Both place emphasis on mids and lows, as you know from your own Session set. And both have impressive tonal clarity. I can't wait to see how the snare holds up in recordings.
C.M. Geeky question: Can you confirm the badge’s quality?
Not a geeky question at all. I have a thing for badges as well. The Music City Custom badge is nice and thick and sturdy, prominent but not overdone. I posted a closeup shot yesterday. You can also click my forum ID for a similar view.
I've never seen lugs like those that are on your snare. Is there anything special about the design or is it purely aesthetics?
I've never seen lugs like those that are on your snare. Is there anything special about the design or is it purely aesthetics?
Single-swivel lugs don't seem to be terribly common, but Pearl also offers them on its Masterworks series. Whether they're worse than or better than other lugs is, like everything else related to drums and drumming, a topic of great dissension. On my drum, each lug is secured by two screws, an enhanced assurance of stability. I love their look and find no fault with them thus far.
Try this analogy on for size: You're introducing someone to your wife, and he knows you're happy in marriage. His response, however, is "Man, you got a questionable deal here. I hope you didn't spend too much while dating her, because you could have done a lot better." Belligerent would be the only way to label such statements. They serve no purpose beyond instigating strife.

To be fair, I said all this before you bought the drum on your opinion thread and you were fine with all the factors as stated married her anyways, lol. I only brought it up again because I wasn't certain on the shell source and your pictures on this thread confirmed some questions.

I love Pearl, and I love my new Music City Custom snare. If I could turn back the calendar a few days, I'd order the same drum again.

As expected, wouldn't expect anything less (y)

My upcoming review will bolster that claim.

Look forward to it

Single-swivel lugs don't seem to be terribly common, but Pearl also offers them on its Masterworks series. Whether they're worse than or better than other lugs is, like everything else related to drums and drumming, a topic of great dissension. On my drum, each lug is secured by two screws, an enhanced assurance of stability. I love their look and find no fault with them thus far.
I'm not sure I understand. Do they swivel outward or something?
I'm not sure I understand. Do they swivel outward or something?

"With less direct shell contact than any other Pearl lug, our lightest lug features a pivoting brass tension casing that guarantees even tuning and reduced resistance to shell vibration."
