I can not go to drum lessons right now what is a good video or you tube to study?

My teacher has not been doing lessons because of the COVIS 19 and I still do my old lessons and the old old ones but do any of you guys know about a good video to watch online or to buy so I can learn some good stuff?

I am 13 years old actually 12 3/4 but I want to learn new things to practice. I am mostly into Kiss, Rush,LZ and stuff but also would like something different maybe jazz or funk?

Thank you!
Drumeo is a good place to start. No need to sign up for paid courses yet, just look through the Youtube channel to find material at your level.
Nate Brown also has good clips with notation included. Once you look at these, Youtube will start suggesting similar ones for you.
If you dont know them yet, here are the 26 PAS rudiments, with stickings, played both slow and at speed:

Learn them forward, backwards, inside out, lead with your weak hand, etc. There is enough here to keep busy for a while.
Heyo! I seriously envy you being so young and have the amazing amount of resources online that you do! Tons out there.

Some of my youtube favs are:

Mike Johnson - Easily one of if not the best youtube instructors out there:

Rob Brown - great player and has a lot of awesome play along practices:

Stephen Taylor - great player and educator:

Stephen Clark - he's a younger guy and a lot of fun:

Drumeo - this is slowly becoming the "go to" place on the web for drum lessons, etc.:

There's tons out there but these folks/channels are highly recommended and have a HUGE catalog of videos that should get you going in any direction you'd like.
Bill Bachman's drumworkout.com

Free three-day trial, or $20 for a month
There are some good suggestions here, but even still, sifting through all of that is a real labyrinth if you don't know what you're doing.

Maybe ask your teacher if he'll work with you online. Failing that, there are plenty of great educators online including myself and some others here on this forum.