How many issues of M.D. do you own.

I've got most of the 80's and 90's in boxes.
I loved it. I subscribed a couple of years ago, 2019 maybe? Not much there, so I let it lapse.
I have maybe three or four from the eighties . I get a kick out of the want ads in the back pages , the mom and pop feel .
A local music shop sold back issues for a buck a piece, and was constantly rotating their inventory (getting more and more of them). I had a list of the ones I had on my phone, and would thumb through their box, picking up the ones I didn’t have. I ended up having pretty much every issue from 1982-2018. I read them in the bathroom, cover to cover, and stuck post it notes in the pages I wanted to copy for lesson material. I took a total of 3 trips to the copy shop and made all the copies I wanted. I then donated the magazines to the local library. The end. Roll credits.
I had years of them and other drum magazines I’d kept hold of, but when we moved across the country a couple years ago I chucked them all in the bin.

Weighed an absolute ton and couldn’t be bothered transporting them here and then finding a new place for them, or selling them due to the faff - so they had to go.
I had every issue from 1979 or so until I stopped reading it years ago. Most of them went to the recycling center a long time ago. I still have some to go, but I'm keeping the ones that are important to me. You can't keep everything.
The first time I had seen a drum magazine was the 1978 issue with Steve Gadd on the cover . The drum shop I was taking lessons at had this issue and I bought it and read it cover to cover . I would buy a new issue at the shop when they would come in . I started subscribing in 1980 and kept my subscription till the mid 90’s . I would still buy issues after that if there as a drummer who interested me . I would also get issues of Rhythm! , Drum! , Traps! And finally Drumhead . I abhor digital magazines . I tried to do the digital subscription when Modern Drummer changed ownership and they forced it upon International Subscribers .
I have all my issues to a local shop that instituted a “library” at the shop for customers to read when they are at the shop .

I miss having physical drum magazines .
I subscribed to the magazine from 1977 until they changed my subscription to digital format, after which I chose not to renew. Initially, I used to read it cover to cover, but in recent years, I only skimmed through articles that caught my interest. The magazine played a significant role in my life as it helped me teach myself English and provided valuable information before the internet.

I'm also proud to mention that my drum method, 'Time Manipulation,' received two very positive reviews in MD.
While I have amassed a substantial collection of the magazine over the years, I'm considering selling it, although I'm unsure of its market value.
The first time I had seen a drum magazine was the 1978 issue with Steve Gadd on the cover . The drum shop I was taking lessons at had this issue and I bought it and read it cover to cover . I would buy a new issue at the shop when they would come in . I started subscribing in 1980 and kept my subscription till the mid 90’s . I would still buy issues after that if there as a drummer who interested me . I would also get issues of Rhythm! , Drum! , Traps! And finally Drumhead . I abhor digital magazines . I tried to do the digital subscription when Modern Drummer changed ownership and they forced it upon International Subscribers .
I have all my issues to a local shop that instituted a “library” at the shop for customers to read when they are at the shop .

I miss having physical drum magazines .

I miss having the physical:
Modern Drummer
Maximum Rock and Roll
The Hockey News
Becketts Sports Card guides

I remember a day where it was fun to come home and get the mail....
The first time I had seen a drum magazine was the 1978 issue with Steve Gadd on the cover . The drum shop I was taking lessons at had this issue and I bought it and read it cover to cover . I would buy a new issue at the shop when they would come in . I started subscribing in 1980 and kept my subscription till the mid 90’s . I would still buy issues after that if there as a drummer who interested me . I would also get issues of Rhythm! , Drum! , Traps! And finally Drumhead . I abhor digital magazines . I tried to do the digital subscription when Modern Drummer changed ownership and they forced it upon International Subscribers .
I have all my issues to a local shop that instituted a “library” at the shop for customers to read when they are at the shop .

I miss having physical drum magazines .
Do you still have the Steve Gadd issue?. Is it the white cover pinkish letters?. I'm positive that's the issue I had my black beauty for sale in.
I had everything from about 1981 until geez, at least 2005. I gave them away to a guy at some point. I do miss print drum magazines, MD in particular. I read it cover-to-cover every month.
I'd have a lot more if I wasn't young and dumb and thought it was a good idea to rip the ads out to use as posters (probably defaced 20 or so issues to produce the wallpaper behind the kit) :rolleyes:

Pearl front.jpg
I have around 50 i'd say. The first one I got was the one with Prince and Blackwell. God I loved those magazines. Is it still around?
I have around 50 i'd say. The first one I got was the one with Prince and Blackwell. God I loved those magazines. Is it still around?
It is indeed.

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I have every issue from January 1987 through about 2004-2005, so well over 200? They are stored In (super heavy) "Tupperware" type storage containers in my garage (the kind you put Christmas stuff in). I have a handful of random pre-1987 ones as well (maybe 5 or 6).

I did have an "Ask A Pro" question published. Sometime in the late 80's, when I was in high school. It was for Anton Fig. I asked about his cymbals on Letterman. I also had a "Drum Line" tip published, I think in 1994. "Drum Line" was tips (or as the kids would say today- "Hacks") regarding tips/tricks for your kit/playing etc.

I did write to a few drummers in the late 80's in care of Modern Drummer (remember their disclaimer?). I remember that Marvin "Smitty" Smith wrote me back, including a handwritten letter, staff paper with several hand written grooves I had asked him about and an autographed picture. That was the coolest thing ever. I can't remember who else I wrote to, only a couple if I remember.

I should dig out some from the 80's. I love the ads and the equipment reviews and "Product Spotlights" and "New and Notables". Does anyone remember the annual "Equipment Buying Guide"? That was every bit as good as the Sears Wish Book at Christmas!
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I have a few that had a big-ish I kept them...

N.P. talking about synesthesia, Bill Bruford talking about Simmons Equipment of the day, Jim Keltner intro(before i was aware of him...and intro to Laurie London) and a few audio inserts...I think I still have "pieces of eight" (1986? - N.P. not Styx : ) around someplace.

I really liked the presentation of the felt respectful to the individual people, community and business of drumming. ALWAYS work the lessons and ideas that are written out!