Drums and the Significant Other

My girlfriends always approved or didn't mind, or didn't show that it bothered them. After working in strip clubs for nearly 25 years, I AM STAYING SINGLE!!!!!!

The 4 legged furry has no problems with the drums. Often sticking her nose on the air vents of snares I've built. Snotting and arguing. :rolleyes:
l did not start playing the drums until l was thirty five years old.

At first she who must be obeyed was skeptical but tolerant as l had wanted to learn how to play the drums for years. l started playing in church, so for as long as we attended, she would watch and boo when l kacked. It was a little discouraging to have the Pastor turn to me and say “you suck” and then hear the congregation shout “AMEN ,”

Needless to say l am an atheist now.

There was a stretch where l had become a full blown raging gear o holic, which did not go over too well. I believed in the sea turtle hatching scheme by where so many hatch, the preditors can’t eat them all. There was so much gear coming and going, she did not know what was new, old, used, or mine, as my drum room always looked like a chrome forest under a canopy of bronze.

Now that l am an old retired guy on a limited income l have had to curtail my wheeling and dealing but l still have that pack rat mentality.

Since l joined my band, six years plus a pandemic ago, my Wife has become so much more supportive as my bandidos and their significant others have made her feel as welcome as me. My band has become a part of our social life so that makes it that much more pleasant.

My kids on the ther hand.......

Stay safe all

Sounds about right from a church, although Jesus wouldn’t recognize what we call a Christian church today :sneaky: no offense to anyone who prescribes to any faith, just an observation.
your bandidos sound awesome, I hope you guys have an awesome journey and you have have a fabulous wife
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l did not start playing the drums until l was thirty five years old.

At first she who must be obeyed was skeptical but tolerant as l had wanted to learn how to play the drums for years. l started playing in church, so for as long as we attended, she would watch and boo when l kacked. It was a little discouraging to have the Pastor turn to me and say “you suck” and then hear the congregation shout “AMEN ,”

Needless to say l am an atheist now.

There was a stretch where l had become a full blown raging gear o holic, which did not go over too well. I believed in the sea turtle hatching scheme by where so many hatch, the preditors can’t eat them all. There was so much gear coming and going, she did not know what was new, old, used, or mine, as my drum room always looked like a chrome forest under a canopy of bronze.

Now that l am an old retired guy on a limited income l have had to curtail my wheeling and dealing but l still have that pack rat mentality.

Since l joined my band, six years plus a pandemic ago, my Wife has become so much more supportive as my bandidos and their significant others have made her feel as welcome as me. My band has become a part of our social life so that makes it that much more pleasant.

My kids on the ther hand.......

Stay safe all

" chrome forest under a canopy of bronze."
:love: ?
I'm super lucky. My wife has always been very supportive and she doesn't even mind the noise. Most importantly she's very good with money and investing. Before I got married I had a massive stash of gear, no savings, and $5k in credit card debt. Jump forward a couple decades and we don't owe a cent on our house, cars, etc. which means I only have to work part time which is pretty sweet for being 52. She doesn't complain about my spending but she's shown me better uses for my money than snatching up more gear I may not even play so I've become a one-in-one-out guy. Since I'm only a hobbyist I don't need anything more.

Is there anything more liberating than being able to live your life on your terms.

Good on you and a big thumbs up.
