Drum Tech Jimmy Clark: — “I might as well be working for John Bonham or Keith Moon”

Son of Vistalite Black

Well-known Member
Blabbermouth.net, the source of most drumming wisdom, has a new interview with Metallica drum tech Jimmy Clark. Son of Vistalite Black has excerpted the choice bits.

LARS ULRICH's Drum Tech JIMMY CLARK: 'The METALLICA Crew Is Probably The Best Crew In The World'​

… Clark went on to say that he no longer gets nervous prior to each gig the way he did when he first started working for the METALLICA organization. He explained: "[I used to feel that way] when I first got the gig, 'cause when I realized, 'Oh my God, now I work for METALLICA and I work for the biggest metal drummer in the world.' I mean, to me, Lars is like — I might as well be working for John Bonham or Keith Moon or any of those guys I grew up on. He's iconic. So in the beginning, yeah, it was a little rattling until I found out his face expressions and when I knew he needed [something], and now it's to the point where I'm just so comfortable with them. I just get up there and do my gig, as long as I know I'm pretty confident in myself that I have everything in order. The worst thing I have before a show to do is maybe go take a leak before the show and it's a long way to the bathroom. That's the worst of my worries right there."

My BIGGEST nightmare as a drumtech would be learning everything electronic from triggers to software to this that and the other besides a pure acoustic kit. Today's drum techs almost need to be schooled. It's no longer crap! John needs a fresh ambassador! on..get out a my way!.
Not sure about his comparison of Lars to Bonham and Moon, he was probably playing it safe in case they read the article. Metallica is big, but lars isnt the biggest metal drummer in the world. that stament says the band is big, so that makes him the biggest by association without saying the best.
Not sure about his comparison of Lars to Bonham and Moon, he was probably playing it safe in case they read the article. Metallica is big, but lars isnt the biggest metal drummer in the world. that stament says the band is big, so that makes him the biggest by association without saying the best.
I can’t think of another one out there with the name recognition of Lars. I don’t even think it’s close.
The description he gives is "he's iconic".
Irrespective of people's opinions on Lars' drumming I think to say he's iconic is absolutely fair.
Not sure about his comparison of Lars to Bonham and Moon, he was probably playing it safe in case they read the article. Metallica is big, but lars isnt the biggest metal drummer in the world. that stament says the band is big, so that makes him the biggest by association without saying the best.

I absolutely think his statement is fair. Lars is iconic, no two ways about it. He's a household name, and as a drummer there are very few of us who are within that status. Lars, Bonham, Tommy Lee, Dave Grohl. That's about it. I'm talking casual music fan here. Any old Joe on the street will know those names, odds are they won't know many others.