Dom Famularo passed

First clinic I ever attended was Dom Famularo in a drumshop in my town. Must have been 89 or 90. The guy was a natural at it, captured everyone's attention from minute one.

RIP Dom.
Amazing drummer. He will be sorely missed. When I was in high school, one of our music teachers brought his jazz band in to play and meet with those of us from stage band. His drummer was Dom! This was the mid 70’s. He turned me on to a wooden base beater that I used for years with my Slingerland kit. Through the years, I had seen him perform both live and on video, but meeting him in high school was something I will always remember. Rest in peace…
a tribute the UK drum show did for dom, as he was due to be compereing some of the drum show activities. there was one at the main entrance, one at the sabian stand, and pictures dotted on electronic screens all over.