Do you release your hi hat each time?

Releasing the hi hat only saves the spring if all of your cymbal topper wingnuts are also all oriented in the same direction.

(In all honesty I never thought about releasing the hi hat when not playing but now I probably will).
I have a drop clutch so I release the hi hats whenever I’m done playing because if you brush past them they can make a lot of noise. I also release by snares because as a kid my kit was close to a TV and the snare buzz can get really annoying.
I don't release the hat but I do release the snare. I am me (and I may start to release the hats now, I just never thought about it).
Funny, I never thought about it, but I noticed this weekend, I consistently loosen the clutch every time I walk away from the kit. As well as flip the snares off.

I think I just started doing this back when I was a kid because I saw show drummers do this to eliminate any noises when there wasn't music being played. Still makes sense to me today.
Snare yes, hats no.

The spring will eventually fail. My hat stand is from the 70s. About a year ago it wouldnt open anymore. I cracked it open and added a helper spring and second perch to the old spring, all is well now.
It has nothing to do with springs. With church kits, I always loosened the hats because there’s always some pastor’s/members kid who thinks any drum pedal should be stomped. And if it ain’t a kid doing it, it’s a “drummer” who thinks a church kit is a toy. Have you ever seen a hi hat stand perform when an idiot stomps on its pedal? I’ve seen hi hat cymbals invert their bow/shape ‘cuz of those idiots.
I think the wear and tear on the clutch would be worse than on the hi-hat spring. I would be more concerned about wearing out the threads on the wingnut, honestly.

Similarly, the act of snapping snare wires off/on repeatedly seems like it would increase the odds of something happening to the wires. The less things move the better, I feel.
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I think the wear and tear on the clutch would be worse than on the hi-hat spring. I would be more concerned about wearing out the threads on the wingnut, honestly.
My clutch (same 70s stand) failed last week. Its 2 pieces separated. The threaded part is splined at the top and presses into the bottom of the top part. The splines wore out and no longer hold. I hammered it back together with a bread tie in the splines. So far so good.