This cover gives me hope for music...

He they let me down a little bit in the centerpiece Unison section... (there's a doubling he They didn't do (on snare.

But I'll give it a 6 and 9 for dramatization

excellent fellas
I'm almost speechless. What the F did I just witness from those kids. Who were their parents listening to inspire these kids. Mahavishnu orchestra?.
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He they let me down a little bit in the centerpiece Unison section... (there's a doubling he They didn't do (on snare.

But I'll give it a 6 and 9 for dramatization

excellent fellas
Cut them some slack, brother... I don't think they're even old enough to drink.

I'm almost speechless. What the F did I just witness from those kids. Who were their parents! listening to. Can you imagine they ask if you'd like to audition? save face what would you say? right now my ankle is broken can I get a rain check?. Wow.
Parents or not, these kids can hear it.
I think they left (the little trill) out on purpose I would have voted (think there's two..) to have it in
may have been too bombastic for (those teeny subtleties. but I missed them
Weird take on that song. I always liked April Wine's version and thought King Crimson sounded weird.
That was great. The drummer is like Ringo doing beats as a righty but does fills, 16th note disco hats, and crashes as a lefty. Checked out a couple other quick videos. Very talented band.
Wow, pretty amazing, considering their youth. Good for them.
odd way to look at it.
...and makes a point: Timeless never goes out of style.

What do you think kids will be listening to 50 years from now?

What ever their brain chips decide. That'll be the norm 50 years from now.

Have any of you worked with any School Of Rock trained kids? They're so far ahead of old rockers (age compared) while still in their teens and twenties....
I could only listen to about a minute of it, but those guys are really good!
Weird take on that song. I always liked April Wine's version and thought King Crimson sounded weird.
April Wine are great, but I find their version a bit... sterile? It's like they took out all of the quirkiness that made the original so magical, and rendered it somewhat plebeian.

That was great. The drummer is like Ringo doing beats as a righty but does fills, 16th note disco hats, and crashes as a lefty. Checked out a couple other quick videos. Very talented band.
They certainly are. What I like best about them is their individual personalities shining through: the drummer is a bit of a wild man, the bass player knows what to play and when to play it, and the singer/guitarist is one cool dude who effortlessly switches between both roles.

There are a lot of amazing young musicians out there.
The skill standards in young musicians is way above what was normal in my day (late 70's early 80's).
Is it, though? I mean, sure, there are some great young players who can replicate some complex songs, but, King Crimson (and a slew of other bands at the time) comprised young musicians who were creating these songs - I don't hear a lot of young musicians today creating music that is inspiring in both musicianship and songwriting.

Love King Crimson, but this seems to be the only song anybody covers of theirs.
Undoubtedly, and perhaps unfortunately, too, but, I'm not surprised - the song was, and still is, ahead of its time. If it came out today, I'm sure it would still blow people's minds the way it did mine when I first heard it (and every time I still do).
The School Of Rock kids are trained to play iconic songs to reach a demographic of older rockers. Locally they'll play War Pigs at Open Mics where underage people are allowed. Some have an amazing command that's just normal to them. I've done a gig and some practices with them. One is obviously on the spectrum and just effortlessly produces.
The School of Rock Master Class, or whatever its called, is often shown to me on my youtube feed. Its pretty much the best of the best from the entire country, they're incredibly good, but you have to remember its a tiny subset of the schools' total enrollment. I've seen random videos from typical school of rock bands and they're definitely very mid and average, shaky grooves, etc. But the main SOR youtube channel doesn't show them.
I just base my view on the mountain of Youtube content showcasing young musicians - like the Tiny Desk concerts, or just stuff from jazz festivals. The standard of musicianship just keeps getting better. Unfortunately the record industry is standing in the way of innovative new music and shying away from taking any financial risks on outlier bands.
Unfortunately the record industry is standing in the way of innovative new music and shying away from taking any financial risks on outlier bands.
That I understand and agree with. Insofar as capitalism is based on producing and marketing products that will consistently and reliable sell, and music (ie. art) is based on creativity and exploration, the two will remain diametrically opposed, if not mutually exclusive, to one another.
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That I understand and agree with. Insofar as capitalism is based on producing and marketing products will consistently and reliable sell and music (ie. art) is based on creativity and exploration, the two will remain diametrically opposed, if not mutually exclusive, to one another.

And that industry likes to spread the money within the group that will internalize some of it back within the group self interests.