Let's see your POV/ Driver's seat pics

playing Dec gigs with the Aquas
what's this Star you speak of swing and a miss? 😁
playing Dec gigs with the Aquas
what's this Star you speak of swing and a miss? 😁
I been thru my Tama period; still don't know how the Star reference computes
but that's ok insanity doesn't bother me one bit 😁
still don't know how the Star reference computes
I apologize. I thought you were one of three wise men looking for a Star in the east during the month of December.

It looks like there’s plenty of gifts in that drum room of yours. 🔭👀
I reluctantly decided to get back with my old theatrical post apocalyptic themed spaghetti western surf rock band that I quit four years ago, I left in a crappy way and I'm still friends with most of these people so I agreed to come back for a show or two.

Anyway, I typically only played bass, snare, ride, and occasionally floor tom with this band which is one of my personal favorite set ups ever so I was stoked to strip it down even more than I already do for my current band.

Usually suspects as of late: pearl midtown, Tama classic hardware and pedal, Paiste

Thanks, force!

I was originally going to sell the renowns, but after playing both kits, I can tell that would be a mistake. They’re just dramatically different machines, and I now appreciate both for what they are. I can see both getting play time
I'm, sadly, selling mine. Arguably my best/favorite. But after reacquiring my DW redwood burl, and given I'd never sell my Rogers, ONE has to go (no need or room for 3 sets).