Yamaha DTX Pro Module - Snare Rim does not work


New Member

I've got a problem with my Yamaha DTX8K-M drums. I don't know if I changed some settings by mistake, but for the past 2 weeks, my snare rim does not work. Every time I hit the rim, I get a lowered volume snare sound instead of a rim sound.

Could anyone help me?

Thank you!
Factory reset first.
Factory reset first.
I did that, and it's still not working. I entered the Voice Menu Settings where the pad zones are, and the snare has three zones: SnareHd (Snare Head), SnareOp (Snare Open), and SnareC1 (which I assume is the snare rim because it has a rim sound when triggered). The problem is that no matter where I hit the snare (rim, head, or both), the zone in the module does not change from SnareHd. Also, I tested the pickups and they all work.
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What happens if you connect a tom instead of the snare (don't swip cables)? Is the rim working?