Where on earth can I get these 'bulb' sticks?


Active Member
Guys, on another thread, I posted about sticks and a specific type I was after. Somebody recommended The London Drumstick Co., which I checked out and while there I noticed these sticks called 'TrueGrip' in 5A, which looked super as they have this 'bulb' carved into the handle, which I suspect will help stop the sticks flying out of ones hands ;) And I also suspect the weight might feel different. Either way, I'm keen to try them.

But, The London Drumstick Co., don't stock or keep these and only take orders on batches of 20 or more, so they are out.

So can anybody tell mw where I could get sticks similar to this design with a 'bulb' in the handle?



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Your best bet to try a set out is if you put out a request on multiple drum forums to inquire if anyone who purchases these exact sticks in bulk would be willing to sell/ship you a pair.
The vic firth Danny Carey signature sticks are wider near the butt end to act like a 'handle' so maybe give those a try:

The promark Glenn Kotche signature stick has the "active wave" design which basically looks like a very specific type of 'beads' lol:

Alternatively, if the sole reason you are looking for a stick with this type of design is to prevent them from slipping out of your hand you could try the Zildjian dip series or spray the butt end of your current preferred sticks in a rubberized spray like plastidip or put a thin single wide layer of electrical tape at the very end of the stick which helps grab onto your sweaty hand oif it does slip.
Ron, thanks for this. Yes, I saw the Glenn Kotche ActiveGrip and figured I might try them but realised they don't do a nylon tip, which is all I play. I've seen the Carey sticks, being a massive Danny Carey fan (best drummer in the world in my opinion) and I did not realise the handles were thicker, but they don't do a nylon tip, which is all I play, again. So most the sticks I actually like are not available in nylon tip. WTF?

I have the Zildjian wax that I wipe onto handles and it is superb. I don't like the dipped series though as I have to wear a rubber finger protector (better than a plaster) on two of my fingers to prevent horrible calluses building up, don't like that on my fingers ;) and the rubber, or a plaster if I use one, rubs the rubber dip off the Zildjian sticks after just half an hour of playing.
I like sticks with a really heavy lacquer and that has done wonders for me keeping sticks in my hands. Prior to that I've tried Pro*Mark grip tape, Vater gauze grip tape, sticks with Vic Grip, and raw unlacquered sticks.

I'd recommend Vic Firth Doubleglaze sticks, but I don't think there are any in nylon tip. Since I can't get the Doubleglaze model I like anymore I just spray two or three coats of Krylon clear gloss on the grip area of whatever model of sticks I'm using at the moment and that works really well for me.
The reason I like sticks with a smooth non-stick finish is because buzz rolls are a little easier to make smooth, in my experience
Ron, thanks for this. Yes, I saw the Glenn Kotche ActiveGrip and figured I might try them but realised they don't do a nylon tip, which is all I play. I've seen the Carey sticks, being a massive Danny Carey fan (best drummer in the world in my opinion) and I did not realise the handles were thicker, but they don't do a nylon tip, which is all I play, again. So most the sticks I actually like are not available in nylon tip. WTF?

I have the Zildjian wax that I wipe onto handles and it is superb. I don't like the dipped series though as I have to wear a rubber finger protector (better than a plaster) on two of my fingers to prevent horrible calluses building up, don't like that on my fingers ;) and the rubber, or a plaster if I use one, rubs the rubber dip off the Zildjian sticks after just half an hour of playing.
Totally understand on the anti dip thing, they feel super weird in my hands and I also get really bad calluses from them. If you mentioned the nylon tip thing in your OP I apologize, I actually use wood tips pretty much exclusively (even on my ekit) so wood tips don't stand out to me but I definitely understand personal preference.

This is a shot in the dark but what about taking your preferred sticks you normally use then getting one of those little palm sized copper pipe cutting tools and using it to cut a few small grooves around the butt/hand end of those sticks? It won't 'bulb' out BUT those little indents will certainly increase grip. That copper pipe cutting tool can be had at a local hardware store for a few dollars.
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Might be worth asking the LDC when the bulb sticks will be back in stock.
I bought a custom set (in 7a's) which was a minimum order of 12 pairs. The bulb grip really works for me. I have a very light grip and the bulb acts as a sort of pivot point that rests against the finger. Trouble is, it encourages me to have an even lighter grip, so I still lose sticks. I don't know if it's because of the bulb, but the sticks have a great balance.
Guys, on another thread, I posted about sticks and a specific type I was after. Somebody recommended The London Drumstick Co., which I checked out and while there I noticed these sticks called 'TrueGrip' in 5A, which looked super as they have this 'bulb' carved into the handle, which I suspect will help stop the sticks flying out of ones hands ;) And I also suspect the weight might feel different. Either way, I'm keen to try them.

But, The London Drumstick Co., don't stock or keep these and only take orders on batches of 20 or more, so they are out.

So can anybody tell mw where I could get sticks similar to this design with a 'bulb' in the handle?

If you're in the uk, I'll post you a pair to try out. They're 7a and not nylon tipped (although I have to say their 7a feels in between a 7 & 5 in terms of diameter) but otherwise will give you an idea.
PM me if you want to try them out.
I'd glue gauze to the stick and wrap it into a bulb shape

Only because I'm stupid like that