Whatcha Reading Right Now?

Rock and a Heart Place by Ken Mansfield. A close friend gifted me this book in November. Interesting read.
Days after receiving it I learned that the author had suddenly passed away.

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The Uses of Adversity - Timothy Garton Ash

Any journalist black-listed and denied entry by the Communist regimes of East Germany , Czechoslovakia and Poland in the later 1980's is, to me , worth reading these days .
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I'm reading

Ode to a Tenor Titan: The Life and Times and Music of Michael Brecker

by Bill Milkowski

Ode to a Tenor Titan: The Life and Times and Music of Michael Brecker
Found this First edition book for a killer price. Good read, and a rare comprehensive book about our history in the Jicarilla band.

I’m now on to this one, the leader and warrior Cochise of the Chiricahua Apache band and the Bascom Affair and subsequent campaigns.

Don’t know why book cover top picture suggests Cochise when in fact it is his son Naiche.
Robert E. Lee and Me by Ty Seidule.

I'm not sure if some of his arguments are overly well thought out.

It's more of a self vindication for his past biases I think.

But generally so far it's a compelling perspective.

Found this First edition book for a killer price. Good read, and a rare comprehensive book about our history in the Jicarilla band.
View attachment 130598

I’m now on to this one, the leader and warrior Cochise of the Chiricahua Apache band and the Bascom Affair and subsequent campaigns.

Don’t know why book cover top picture suggests Cochise when in fact it is his son Naiche.
View attachment 130599

I would love to learn more about the Native American cultures in my area - Central Ohio. I feel like I don't know where to look to find "legit" source material.

I did just get done reading 1491, which was about the americas from the beginning of inhabitation up to 1491....that was a great read tht brushed the top layer of many topics that I would love to further investigate
On page 39 of this remarkable book, haven’t read it since 1982 when I was in tenth grade.
The more things change the more they stay the same.



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On page 39 of this remarkable book, haven’t read it since 1982 when I was in tenth grade.
The more things change the more they stay the same.


don't get me started about how sooooo many of those classics were right....Huxley's Brave New World is also an oracle for sure!!!
Still ploughing through Thucydides' Peloponesian War . Startling similarities in the way polarities asserted themselves then ( 431 B.C.) and now ( 2023 A.D.) .
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Robert E. Lee and Me by Ty Seidule.
I'm not sure if some of his arguments are overly well thought out.
It's more of a self vindication for his past biases I think.
But generally so far it's a compelling perspective.
That's interesting--I'll have to check it out. I can say that I've read other things Seidule has written and as a guy who was born in Texas and lived a decent chunk of his adult life in the south, I've agreed with his arguments previously.

This is what I'm making my way through:

Found this First edition book for a killer price. Good read, and a rare comprehensive book about our history in the Jicarilla band.
View attachment 130598

I’m now on to this one, the leader and warrior Cochise of the Chiricahua Apache band and the Bascom Affair and subsequent campaigns.

Don’t know why book cover top picture suggests Cochise when in fact it is his son Naiche.
View attachment 130599
Woaah dude please give updates on those. They look fascinating
I would love to learn more about the Native American cultures in my area - Central Ohio. I feel like I don't know where to look to find "legit" source material.

I did just get done reading 1491, which was about the americas from the beginning of inhabitation up to 1491....that was a great read tht brushed the top layer of many topics that I would love to further investigate
It's so hard to sift through the mire. That being said, there is usually some sort of group that represents the tribes. Might be worth looking around and sending them a polite email asking for resources?
wow...that is still only 5.99?

I used to love getting that magazine.
That's the "newsstand" price. It's a free subscription which also gives access to additional material on their website.

Edit: What is a revelation to me is how much time & consideration are given to recording the drum set. And if the studio has a good room for drums, it’s like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
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That's the "newsstand" price. It's a free subscription which also gives access to additional material on their website.

Edit: What is a revelation to me is how much time & consideration are given to recording the drum set. And if the studio has a good room for drums, it’s like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

yep...I think a lot of the "art" in recording is done on the acoustic instruments...likje knowing mic placement secrets/ room dynamics/ isolation methods.

sadly, with the electric instruments, it is so much plug directly into a modeling amp and play kind of thing - even in real studios - that it seems like there is no "art" there anymore. I remember back in the day, we would experiment with placement of cabs, near and far field mic's on cabs - one time we put the guitar cabs in a room with 3 snares, mic'd the cabs, the bottom head of the snares, and then some room mics far away, to try to get this kind of "dirty" sound with the snares buzzing. It was like a mild overdrive in a way. Stuff like that doesn't happen as much anymore, at least from what I see.