What to drink during/after playing/gig?

In fact, I drink a lot of coffee, which keeps me going, rather than using drugs, like some people do.

Not to shatter any preconceived ideas you may have of what drugs are, but the caffeine in coffee is most certainly a drug.

In any case, who cares what other drummers drink/take when they're playing. More power to em if they can still play how they want.

Just because some may find that drugs impair their ability, doesn't mean that others can't find it even potentially aids them.

Love a nice cold beer at a hot gig.
Okay. So I'm in the minority, when it comes to playing and drinking.

I was only agreeing with what larryace said, having had to deal with drunk musicians in the past:

" larryace
Re: What to drink during/after playing/gig?
I don't know how you alcohol drinkers do it...It kills my creativity, slows down my reflexes, messes with my sense of time, no thanks. I even feel the decline in reflexes after 1 beer. I also agree w/ Mr. Mayor in that I feel it looks unprofessional too. Hey if you have to drink, I'd say put it in a container where it at least doesn't look like you're drinking. You never know who is in the audience. Onstage alcohol use can be considered by some to be a deal breaker. But I don't like to preach. To each their own. I just know I hated it when the lead singer in my last band would drink. It just doesn't improve anything IMO."

I realize that there is nothing wrong with having a drink. Sorry for stepping on so many toes.
Back in my touring days, when I'd play outdoor festivals and sweat it out onstage for a good 2+ hours I came up with my own "pre-show" drink.

I mixed Endurox (a recovery drink) with a pre-workout drink (the name of which escapes me).
In any case the idea was that the amino acids, electrolytes etc in the Endurox were great, and the pre-workout drink had something like 20-25 grams of protein. I'm not sure if it was the placebo effect, but man, I felt so much better when I drank that.
I also couldn't eat anything heavy or fried before a show. I usually opted for something like a sandwich or a sub that had a decent amount of protein and complex carbs.
Just drink water. Sip constantly, don't pound it back.

I keep some trail mix nearby also, as I don't
like to eat much in the few hours before a gig.
But make sure you chew it like a demon!

As it stands I've been living off of fruit/veg smoothies
for 1 or 2 of my meals throughout the day. That helps.

I avoid caffeine or alcohol, as much as they are both fun things:
I used to do the one beer or tequila before the show. It helped
with my jitters but I found I crashed mid set. Same with coffee.
Plus the dehydration.

Water, water, water.
Maybe some green+herbal tea(mint/ginger/chamomile/rooibos)
And a little puff of what cannot be discussed here, if it's a chill setting.

I'm type 2 diabetic, and constantly worry about my sugar dropping on me when I am playing/practicing, because my sugar drops pretty fast. Eating before slows me down, so, maybe the trail mix is what I need. I try to carry peanut butter every where I go for protein (contains resveratrol, too) but it is full of fat calories, which I hope I burn off while playing, because I don't need the weight gain, but it doesn't stay with me for long.
I don't drink coffee before or during , due to dehydration, but I do drink it in the a.m. and maybe some, late afternoon. I drink lots of water( sometimes I wonder if too much). I just found a recipe for a smoothie, featuring spinach:
Power Smoothie
Blend one cup low fat yoghurt, one cup fresh or frozen blueberries, one cup carrot juice and one cup fresh baby spinach for a nutrient rich blast.

Trying everything I can to maintain my stamina and endurance through a gig.
For me it's just water before/during a gig. Although I rarely drink alcohol/energy drinks/coffee ever, so my perspective may be a bit blander than others.
As for food, I've never really paid attention to it. I usually just order whatever is on special at the pub or whatever is provided at the party.
I never drink and drum.

Yezzir!! Thats my ticket too.

A ocassional beer to calm occasional nerves, max. Lotsa water during, and fun times with single malts and good wines ( if its a classy joint ), afta'.

PS- Would love to do a gig in Herefordshire some day , just for the wine afterwards.. AND... would mind a postgig backstage hang in Bucks County either..

I never eat within 1-2 hours of the show, and when I do, I like to stick to pasta or rice generally. Drinks-wise, I might have a coke backstage and then it's all water until I'm done. Post gig, I love a beer right after and before I pull my gear down and when I finally get home, a slice of toast and cup of tea.
As I sing and play drums, one of my favorite beverages is off limits - Diet Coke. It just makes my throat all full of flem, which is not a good thing when trying to belt out Lynyrd Skynyrd tunes. I also don't drink alcohol before or during a gig, because it tends to make me sluggish and tired. I may have one after the gig, but by then it is late and I want to just tear down and get home.
Water plenty of water, sometimes a beer but not more than a can. Drink more during practice though. The band used to drink a lot during practice, it was hilarious to listen to the in between song banter though especially how it evolved over the course of a practice session. These days we cut down a quite a bit.
Always stay hydrated, 6-10 cups a day. stay away from caffeine, as it dries u out, same for high amounts of sodium (salt). avoid smoking in excess if u smoke, stay limber by stretching and keeping active throughout the day. i stretch for at least ten mins before each hour set (20mins for 2hrs, etc). chop on the practice pad for 20 mins before the show. drink water mostly, but not too much if you're gonna have a beer before the show (a beer is relaxing, more than that can hinder your abilities). stay sharp, rest the night before and inventory on your body (aches? thirst? fatigue? hunger? sluggishness?). good luck!
Always stay hydrated, 6-10 cups a day. stay away from caffeine, as it dries u out, same for high amounts of sodium (salt). avoid smoking in excess if u smoke, stay limber by stretching and keeping active throughout the day. i stretch for at least ten mins before each hour set (20mins for 2hrs, etc). chop on the practice pad for 20 mins before the show. drink water mostly, but not too much if you're gonna have a beer before the show (a beer is relaxing, more than that can hinder your abilities). stay sharp, rest the night before and inventory on your body (aches? thirst? fatigue? hunger? sluggishness?). good luck!

Do you recommend any hand (fingers, wrist) stretching workout exercises? I have a very severe hand problem with the right hand, and lose my grip strength within 4-5 minutes of playing. I cant get my Dr. to take me serious enough to do anything. Its mainly in the thumb.

Do you recommend any hand (fingers, wrist) stretching workout exercises? I have a very severe hand problem with the right hand, and lose my grip strength within 4-5 minutes of playing. I cant get my Dr. to take me serious enough to do anything. Its mainly in the thumb.


I had that strange loss of grip and thumb pain too. Eventually realized I was gripping too hard in an incorrect way. Loosened up my grip and it stopped happening except when I forget, sometimes due to getting too into a song.