Van Halen, Jump (in pain).


Honorary Member
Opening number, a few minutes after I clashed real hard with a staging upright injuring my arm & side - damn painful, & I struggled for the first two songs. The keys player’s IEM pack (provided by venue) died on the first note too. I think he did pretty well considering, although I did have to do a bit of tempo taming!

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Band sounds great per usual. Looks like your blood thinners are working- Yikes!
Drums sound great Andy, each voice in the kit speaks cleary and individually with focus and a lot of body. That bass drum sounds punchy and meaty I love it.

Drag about the bruise hope it's a matter of looking worse than it feels.
Drummer in the band is average at best and that is one strange looking tattoo...
USA minus Washington State :)

Drums sound great Andy, each voice in the kit speaks cleary and individually with focus and a lot of body. That bass drum sounds punchy and meaty I love it.

Drag about the bruise hope it's a matter of looking worse than it feels.

Sore arm really limited my playing, but all is good..

Drums just deliver every time, at every event., I can’t ask for more.
I won't ask your age but you are an inspiring individual rocking out like you are 20 and people digging your thing. Rock on! musician!.
I’m 61, & I’m still surprised bby the reaction fom those way too young to remember the originals.
Excellent Cover Andy, and Your Singer nailed it too. He could have replaced Roth for the 2015 tour.
Excellent Cover Andy, and Your Singer nailed it too. He could have replaced Roth for the 2015 tour.
Not such a bad call - I’ve seen the videos :(
I thought the band nailed it - the crowd did too, and that's what matters!
Thanks, & indeed! That said, although we had a good crowd, we lost some of the audience as the stage schedule drifted by + 1 hour, & we didn’t kick off until gone 11:00PM.
Sounds great!
Thanks Jon :)
Well done - I was wondering how you were going to approach the tricky middle section with the guitar solo. I love how you made it your own but retained the displacement feel.
Well done - I was wondering how you were going to approach the tricky middle section with the guitar solo. I love how you made it your own but retained the displacement feel.
Thanks! In our band we’re free to interpret how we see fit, so long as signature pieces or feel is not lost, unless it’s in the context of a complete rearrangement. I have simplified things such that accents & the “one” are always clear.

I viewed a number of live VH performances, & Alex switches the solo section up frequently, to the point where it’s quite different each time, & often far removed from the original recording.
Oof to the ouch, but it sounds good and you look like you're having fun through the pain.

Bonus points for booking who I can only imagine is the Time Wizard on the Ric.
Thanks! In our band we’re free to interpret how we see fit, so long as signature pieces or feel is not lost, unless it’s in the context of a complete rearrangement. I have simplified things such that accents & the “one” are always clear.

I viewed a number of live VH performances, & Alex switches the solo section up frequently, to the point where it’s quite different each time, & often far removed from the original recording.
So true of many recordings when played live by the artist/artists. Too much is made of hitting everything note for note , iconic familiar parts and fills aside.
So long as the feel is kept and everything fits like you’ve done it’s all good .
Nice job! Speedy recovery from your battle wounds 💪🏼.