
"Toe-ring" is my newer, newer-er, newest innovation that consists of these tiny toe rings that fit on any toe/either foot and uses a rod/pulley/fulcrum system that attach to your hat pedal, slave pedal, clave pedal, whatever you drive with your foot use your toes. Drummers are toe tappers so it seems a need we some how overlooked. Who wouldn't want more limbs to play. I'm writing my new innovative drum book on developing toe dexterity and strength as one who develops fingers.Need I remind you we have 10 toes-well some people have more and some fewer but in general it's 10. So that's a lot of pedals to control. The world is full of out of the box tinkers and stinkers.
"Toe-ring" is my newer, newer-er, newest innovation that consists of these tiny toe rings that fit on any toe/either foot and uses a rod/pulley/fulcrum system that attach to your hat pedal, slave pedal, clave pedal, whatever you drive with your foot use your toes. Drummers are toe tappers so it seems a need we some how overlooked. Who wouldn't want more limbs to play. I'm writing my new innovative drum book on developing toe dexterity and strength as one who develops fingers.Need I remind you we have 10 toes-well some people have more and some fewer but in general it's 10. So that's a lot of pedals to control. The world is full of out of the box tinkers and stinkers.
So I should cut F holes in my toes?
"Toe-ring" is my newer, newer-er, newest innovation that consists of these tiny toe rings that fit on any toe/either foot and uses a rod/pulley/fulcrum system that attach to your hat pedal, slave pedal, clave pedal, whatever you drive with your foot use your toes. Drummers are toe tappers so it seems a need we some how overlooked. Who wouldn't want more limbs to play. I'm writing my new innovative drum book on developing toe dexterity and strength as one who develops fingers.Need I remind you we have 10 toes-well some people have more and some fewer but in general it's 10. So that's a lot of pedals to control. The world is full of out of the box tinkers and stinkers.
That would work so much better for me if the head matched the finish and the F holes were black. Maybe a little smaller and not so close together, too.
The Rock Eye Roll GIF by WWE
It has wings?
Does it fly?
Bad English/grammar is all Americans can speak or right but we call them innovations to the language
Don't look at written words Misspelld words no punctashun no pararaphs then made up words and it's all basically gibberish
See evolution can go either way to produce innovation or gibberish or apparently innovative gibberish

I was just noting if you take off both heads and then spin the shell really fast with the internal wings you get lift and it flies off. I bet that flying tic tac is really a flying drum shell with brass wings. See it's that out of box tinking is the mudder of invention.
The word innovation already implies something is new so it is an oxymoron to say "New innovation".
It isn't an oxymoron, it's a redundancy.

But those don't have F holes. They couldn't POSSIBLY work.

It's the F holes I tell ya, the F holes! :)
It’s a tautology but you see people use it all the time -“ 10 new innovations no one will be able to live without”. New adj innovation noun so it’s legit if you’re describing the latest innovation in a series of them- I’d say latest though. No maybe both still tautology?
The word innovation already implies something is new so it is an oxymoron to say "New innovation".
It isn't an oxymoron, it's a redundancy.
Didn't you guys see my post above? I have ruled on this matter already. If an innovation is old, it's still an innovation, and if an innovation can be old, it can also be new.

Any new objections will be overruled with prejudice. With prejudice, I tell you!
You're right Jimmy every innovation would be novel=new, but not every new thing is an innovation. So really every innovation is an old innovation now (because now in use) unless it is the latest innovation which would be the newest newer-er new innovation that will soon meet the interface of becoming an old innovation-since it will be in use. So it's like a quadruple tautology. I concur with your analysis Jimmy.