That's it i'm getting Superior Drummer


Gold Member
This guy is just a phenomenal drummer and even though the music is not particularly what I listen to, I can appreciate how great of a player he is and the drums just sound phenomenal. so all of those edrum haters... well keep hating.

Yes, very impressive! Had to listen hard, the machine gun effect is maybe 98% gone on that. I wonder what it feels like playing when you get that sound on cans, but still hitting pads.
I don't know much about e-kits in general as I've never owned one. I am old enough to remember the first commercial e-kits way back to the Simmons days and how different those kits looked. I must admit I do find it fairly amusing that new e-kits pretty much look like acoustic kits now. :)

Does sound good thought!
"Sounds like 1970 Cactus or James Gang or Trapeze lil bit of a Harvey Mason Jam"
so what are the pro's? (vs the cons..

I get it: easier to send the product electronically
much easier
the mics the studio room acoustics all on a thumbdrive or web file

so like Woodstock in your spare room minus the traffic the rain and helicopters
That's cool 😁
I doubt there is any audible 'machine gun effect'. There are so many individual samples and robins in Superior.
Exactly it is impossible for that to happen given that in order for it to happen you (a human) would have to hit exactly the same spot on the drum at the same velocity over and over which we know it is impossible given that some of those drums have over 200 different velocity samples. I think even a machine would have a hard time doing that.
Yes, but in sample packs with fewer robins 'machine gunning' IS an issue.
Many have only 5 to 10 samples per articulation, so you quickly get through 10 or fewer samples in a snare roll.
Many Kontakt drum libraries suffer from machine gunning.
You have a choice, I wouldn't buy an e-kit with lookalike shells. The space saving and lighter weight portability is one of the main positives for me.
I would buy the kit that looks like an acoustic, why does everyone act like they are so huge and that you would be hauling tons of gear, not really much different than moving a regular acoustic kit. I like that you can't tell they are electronic unless you know, (from the audience perspective) and if you use metal cymbals then the look is complete. looks matter to the audience.
I'm sure companies are going to start offering those types of kits more because people going on stage want to look the part. Also not everyone has a lack of space. In the US houses are generally much larger than in Europe so room wouldn't be an issue.
Yes, but in sample packs with fewer robins 'machine gunning' IS an issue.
Many have only 5 to 10 samples per articulation, so you quickly get through 10 or fewer samples in a snare roll.
Many Kontakt drum libraries suffer from machine gunning.
I was just referring to Superior and EZ drummer exclusively
. I wonder what it feels like playing when you get that sound on cans, but still hitting pads.
For the past 2 months I’ve been playing on the flagship Roland kit that my band leader bought, and that’s my and most of the other musicians and singers in the band complaint, that the drums sound weak in the ear buds we use. For me, it a very disconnected playing experience. I can hear the thumping sounds coming from the pads and a not so pleasant drum and cymbal tone in my ear buds. But they do sound very good from audience perspective though.
Please.....what is a "robin?"
Please.....what is a "robin?"
Round-Robins (RRs) allow you to play the same note repetitively and trigger different recordings of the same note. Sampling an instrument in this way results in natural variations in otherwise static patterns. This gives the instrument a realistic feel as each repeated note has a different performance.
For the past 2 months I’ve been playing on the flagship Roland kit that my band leader bought, and that’s my and most of the other musicians and singers in the band complaint, that the drums sound weak in the ear buds we use. For me, it a very disconnected playing experience. I can hear the thumping sounds coming from the pads and a not so pleasant drum and cymbal tone in my ear buds. But they do sound very good from audience perspective though.
You might need better isolation on your headphones, I don't hear my drums at all. also how do the drums sound weak? they might need to be blended to better volume wise to the rest of the mix. I don't experience my drums sounding weak. Clearly the Roland sounds are not the best but never been weak.
Please.....what is a "robin?"
Multiple samples at the same velocity. A VST drums product is made up of articulations, velocities and robins.
Articulation is centre hit, or rimshot for example, velocity is a drum sampled from quiet to loud and back, robins are how many times you try and sample at each velocity point (short for round-robin).
That's it. If I'm carting something close to an acoustic kit around, I want it to BE an acoustic kit.
Of course but sometimes you need controlled volume, like a band playing on a casino. that is where the ekit shines because you can have the sound quality but a much lower volume.