Something happens right before you play the gig


Gold Member
Has anyone ever had something happen to you right before you start playing a gig and it completely shatters your confidence or causes you not to play your best? Screws with your head?
I had something happen this weekend, that although probably nobody noticed, it screwed up my head so bad I couldn't concentrate on what I was playing. After playing I chewed on it and determined that was probably the crappiest playing I've done in years. Nobody said anything to me but I was depressed the whole day yesterday because of it.
Just the opposite in my experience. Drumming -- whether I'm gigging, recording, or just practicing -- has always furnished the ultimate retreat for me. Time somewhat stands still when I'm on the throne. I'm able to put conflicts, letdowns, or other mishaps on hold for later examination. I slip into a borderline hypnotic state in which I'm functioning without self-consciousness. That's how it's always been.

Of course, a life-shattering tragedy might shake my capacity to perform, but that's not what I'm alluding to above.
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I ate at Sonic before the gig. Had some big ass greasy burger, fries, and a Route 44 Ocean Water. It was the middle of summer. It was like 100 degrees outside. The urge to vomit and 💩 all over myself presented itself about halfway through our set and never went away. Neither of which happened, but from then on it was sandwiches and water. Lesson learned.
It wasn’t me it was our pianist who just found out he’s grand daughter was being sexually molested (stepdad got prison). I only found out much later this was the case but the bass player and I realized he was a wreck over something and we tried to buffer the damage best we could. It’s a terrible story and I knew something terrible must have happened. I have to give him credit for holding it together and trying to perform- I couldn’t have done so I don’t think. I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster and thoughts racing through his mind.
I've had a few gigs where something had just happened and was weighing heavily on my mind, but I don't think it affected my playing. At least nobody else ever said anything. I wasn't on auto-pilot, I was just focused on the gig... as I always am. I'm not sure what kind of news it would take to derail me, and I hope I never find out!
It wasn’t me it was our pianist who just found out he’s grand daughter was being sexually molested (stepdad got prison). I only found out much later this was the case but the bass player and I realized he was a wreck over something and we tried to buffer the damage best we could. It’s a terrible story and I knew something terrible must have happened. I have to give him credit for holding it together and trying to perform- I couldn’t have done so I don’t think. I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster and thoughts racing through his mind.
That is a horrible story. Your pianist must have been going thru hell then. Kudos to you and the bassist for covering the damage and helping him along. True professionals.
This is why I tend to self-isolate prior to big gigs or big events in general - a habit from my Army days when we'd be in isolation for several days, even weeks prior to big missions. Keeps your head in the game. Obviously I don't do days or weeks any more, but leading up to the gig I try to be as chill as possible at work and at home, avoiding news and phones until it's time to head out and load in. The real world can always wait.
I ate at Sonic before the gig. Had some big ass greasy burger, fries, and a Route 44 Ocean Water. It was the middle of summer. It was like 100 degrees outside. The urge to vomit and 💩 all over myself presented itself about halfway through our set and never went away. Neither of which happened, but from then on it was sandwiches and water. Lesson learned.
No meals for me before shows. I always eat after for this very reason.
Also, I'm a big proponent of being left alone for a few hours before the gig. Just to get my head right. Then I'll step away for about 15 minutes right before to warm up and get loose.
Then it's game on!!
No meals for me before shows. I always eat after for this very reason.
Also, I'm a big proponent of being left alone for a few hours before the gig. Just to get my head right. Then I'll step away for about 15 minutes right before to warm up and get loose.
Then it's game on!!
My routine became 6" sub sandwich ~1 hour before the show, then another after the show. Subway was my friend on gig days.

I always wanted to be left alone before the show, but it almost never happened unless we we playing at home.
Has anyone ever had something happen to you right before you start playing a gig and it completely shatters your confidence or causes you not to play your best? Screws with your head?
I had something happen this weekend, that although probably nobody noticed, it screwed up my head so bad I couldn't concentrate on what I was playing. After playing I chewed on it and determined that was probably the crappiest playing I've done in years. Nobody said anything to me but I was depressed the whole day yesterday because of it.
What happened? you left that out.... and no I have not had anything happen that ruined my playing, I had it happen after when some midget dude wanted to pick a fight... ( I was warned by the venue owner that he did that all the time and that he carried knives) I dismissed him because knives or not I would have destroyed him and I don't like fighting for that reason, I don't want to get sued for breaking someone.
I ate at Sonic before the gig. Had some big ass greasy burger, fries, and a Route 44 Ocean Water. It was the middle of summer. It was like 100 degrees outside. The urge to vomit and 💩 all over myself presented itself about halfway through our set and never went away. Neither of which happened, but from then on it was sandwiches and water. Lesson learned.
I haven't dined at Sonic in over twenty years. After this vividly disgusting tale, I don't expect that status to change, I'll never be able to erase your narrative from my mind. :D
A death in the family; my mother's father passed away an hour before a gig. The show went on. I played well but wasn't in the best of moods. I was 22.
I can relate to that hardship. My grandad (my mom's father) passed away when I was twenty-one. His protracted suffering had been such that I was relieved when it ended. My response seemed strange at the time, but it made perfect sense to me later. The end is sometimes the only solution.
I once made the mistake of checking my cell phone's voicemail just before I went on stage.
I was in New York and was about to go on stage at the (old) Downtown Music Gallery and was about to turn off my cell phone when I saw a message.
I listened to it and the message was from a friend telling me that someone had broken into my apartment in Berlin. I had just enough time to turn off my phone and had to start playing.
Needless to say, I was completely confused. I just remember that it was a very intense gig nonetheless.
I have a good autopilot, sure there's an airplane joke in there somewhere.

I had a gig in July, 4 days after my mom died. Helped take my mind off it if I'm honest.

On the other hand if we're dealing with arseholes and somebody makes the grave mistake of getting on stage and trying to mess with gear or pisses us off then you get bare minimum from everyone.
No meals for me before shows. I always eat after for this very reason.
Also, I'm a big proponent of being left alone for a few hours before the gig. Just to get my head right. Then I'll step away for about 15 minutes right before to warm up and get loose.
Then it's game on!!

same here for the exact same IBS likes to F with me when it can, so I try not to give it ammunition. My (30+ year) tradition of White Castles after the gig started b/c of this.

I also "hole up" at a show before we play...usually at the merch table or the darkest corner of the room.

The only things that throw me before a gig are equipment failure issues, and those happen infrequently.

We did have a gig in Cincy one time where a gang fight broke out right in front of the club...that threw me just during load in, but once we were inside, and the fight had moved down the street, I was fine