Ported head...on the batter side


"Uncle Larry"
Has anyone ever done this?

Someone has to have done this
I've seen pedal aperture linkage wear a little hole in bd head (made no difference) and wasn't mine. honest ; )
I'm just trying to figure out if I had an original idea.

I would like to have one before I have to go
we're all originals
original idea is the last thing I'm concerned about
but anyway

20" RB Gretsch pearl covered bass drum that -- has to hammer heads on to- -- thick-- Clear pinstripe front- Powerstroke FS3 back - heads - can actually start a parade- march
I've heard rumors of putting small 1-2" ports on larger floor toms in the 16-18 range. But I have never seen it done myself.
I've heard rumors of putting small 1-2" ports on larger floor toms in the 16-18 range. But I have never seen it done myself.
I assume you are talking on the reso side. Is that right?

I tried it on one of my rack toms reso in 1977 and hated it. I couldn't afford heads much back then, but I had to try it.

So I never tried doing that to a floor tom either.
it would be a handy wastepaper basket for the drummer on the go while playing
what's the cymbal stand doing on the floor in the 5FDP pic.
I assume you are talking on the reso side. Is that right?

I tried it on one of my rack toms reso in 1977 and hated it. I couldn't afford heads much back then, but I had to try it.

So I never tried doing that to a floor tom either.
I did. I didn't properly read the OP's title....LOL
what's the cymbal stand doing on the floor in the 5FDP pic.
Good question !
Maybe they wanted some ratteling sound when the bass drum was hit.

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I have watched videos using small kick ports on the batter side of toms and kick drums.