Pic of yourself

thats me and gary husband and some guy who'd had a little too much to drink and insisted on being included in the picture. hahah.
This may be my favorite posting....and not sure who's who.?
Hereā€™s a recent pic of me and my best girl Abby. She quite enjoys when I get down on the floor with her. I find her to be much more interactive and engaging when Iā€™m at her ā€œlevelā€. Much easier to do now after all the weight loss, too! šŸ˜»

nice Sodom shirt too!!!

which studio?
Thanks! Yeah I had to have it, a bit more striking than all the usual black tee's :p

Endarker Studio in Norrkƶping. Run by Magnus "Devo" Andersson, ex-original bassist from Marduk (maybe Sweden's biggest black metal band). Very small studio, but he knows his stuff, and we have became quite good friends. Recorded our last two albums here as well.
This is me... Drummer_D when I was 5 years old pictured with my fathers Ludwig blue and white pearl snare.
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Unfortunately there is no longer an edit button that I could edit this post. That snare drum is a Leedy & Strupe... my mistake.
Thanks! Yeah I had to have it, a bit more striking than all the usual black tee's :p

Endarker Studio in Norrkƶping. Run by Magnus "Devo" Andersson, ex-original bassist from Marduk (maybe Sweden's biggest black metal band). Very small studio, but he knows his stuff, and we have became quite good friends. Recorded our last two albums here as well.

Hellzz yeah man!!! Love Marduk from back in the day...
Happy Birthday Yes GIF
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An updated one for me. My favorite pic from last year.
I love your backdrop... I myself have Flags everywhere surrounding my kit! ROCK ON Buddy! Great pic!