Pearl sTODDio drum kit

I'm a backline provider who's Pearl game was decades old. It's not any more.The old kit ain't no slouch.
The toms are just square from the 90's.
This is my "I Will Remember" kit.
Now I have to hardware it and build a road case for it. That 14K is a drop in the bucket before I'm done
with this project.
Time I'm finished it'll be north of 20K.


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I'm a backline provider who's Pearl game was decades old. It's not any more.The old kit ain't no slouch.
The toms are just square from the 90's.
This is my "I Will Remember" kit.
Now I have to hardware it and build a road case for it. That 14K is a drop in the bucket before I'm done
with this project.
Time I'm finished it'll be north of 20K.
That kit? For backline? What region are you providing backline in? I want to be there. I'd probably squeal like a child if I saw this on stage.

A part of me is envious of the people who are going to turn up to a gig and get greeted by this. Part of me is horrified it will be carted out for the unwashed masses, maybe a bit tempered by the idea that it's just stuff.
I think I’d have gone for a Masters kit if I were a backline company owner and needed a new Pearl kit ;).
It'll deliver tomorrow.
Not just anybody will play this kit. I've done this for 30 years now and the clients are all national acts.
Being a drummer and the scale of the rooms I work, I simply "have" to provide very nice kits for this clientele. They expect it.
I NEVER had anything nice when I came up playing so I guess it's the 180 rule. If it sets me apart, it's worth it.
National acts sort-of "seek-me-out" when they get to NC. At least their PM's do. Here's a case example:
I think I’d have gone for a Masters kit if I were a backline company owner and needed a new Pearl kit ;).
To each his own, that does not distinguish me from any of the other backline punters. Lead or get out-of-the-way. Couldn't find a Masters with an exotic finish, all backordered until mid-next year with the shells I need. Masters don't have triple-flange hoops and gold hardware. And those were almost 8G's. Pay up front and wait 8 months? A lot can happen in 8 months. My riders/clients are asking for Reference and Master Works. Case pic finally loaded. The pice I paid was their order price in 2011.


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It'll deliver tomorrow.
Not just anybody will play this kit. I've done this for 30 years now and the clients are all national acts.
Being a drummer and the scale of the rooms I work, I simply "have" to provide very nice kits for this clientele. They expect it.
I NEVER had anything nice when I came up playing so I guess it's the 180 rule. If it sets me apart, it's worth it.
National acts sort-of "seek-me-out" when they get to NC. At least their PM's do. Here's a case example:

To each his own, that does not distinguish me from any of the other backline punters. Lead or get out-of-the-way. Couldn't find a Masters with an exotic finish, all backordered until mid-next year with the shells I need. Masters don't have triple-flange hoops and gold hardware. And those were almost 8G's. Pay up front and wait 8 months? A lot can happen in 8 months. My riders/clients are asking for Reference and Master Works. Case pic finally loaded. The pice I paid was their order price in 2011.
Well that makes sense if you strictly cater to the top national acts.
I haven't had a job since 1990. It is a dream, but be careful what you dream, you can get it. Some months I works 7 days-a-week.
No time off, drive for hours. Thank the Lord for Sprinters...............
I do this for my 2 grand kids. There's a warehouse full of this stuff. It'll all be theirs someday.
It just came in, let me see my FedEx man.
I now see why they're so expensive. The s/n dates this kit to 06 of 21. Looks like they only make 60-70 shells a year
of this Limba veneer. Maybe that's all they can get? It's "home" for now til I leave this earth. I'm machining some dual hardware for the tom holders. Have to climb the hardware mountain...........
Didn't say say it before, but this is a bucket list thing.
And it's NOT my high-end kit, that slot is for the Tama Bubinga Omni-tune. I didn't mean to bust into this forum with all this but it came up as a thread when I did a search for this kit and I registered.Just figured I'd cover where one of these kit's went. DCOP will have more. They are most pleasant men to deal with.
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I am surprised the Stage Custom aficionados have not chimed in yet to admonish you on spending so much and telling you their Stage Custom kit sounds just as nice for a fraction of the amount . 😀

I would have, but I didn't want to burst his bubble. :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though, the purchase makes perfect sense for him given the purpose he bought it for.
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yes, it looks like that. Mine has 3 kicks 22/22/24 and more toms 8/10/12/14/15/16/18 A King Tiger w/an 88mm.
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I am surprised the Stage Custom aficionados have not chimed in yet to admonish you on spending so much and telling you their Stage Custom kit sounds just as nice for a fraction of the amount . 😀
Yeah! Good Point.. Selective bunch aren't they.. ?