New to forum and wonder about greatest 500


New Member
Hi all, After perusing the DrummerWorld greatest 500 I was wondering how this list was compiled. I generally hate the "best ___" lists because most of them are fan votes and are completely subjective. I would usually think a forum on a site such as this might be more credible because it is mostly frequented by actual drummers, even though you still can have some degree of subjectivity. Anyway after looking and thinking about this list, and considering skills as a drummer, there seems to be some serious errors of inclusion and omittance. Can someone enlighten me as to how this list was compiled. Was it voting by Readers, by editors, or some other group? Has it been revised at all? Just wondering if anyone knows.
There will always be weird inclusions and omissions in any list of this nature. Make your own list and I’m sure tons of people will find fault with it, too. More important things to worry about.
Who are the most influential drummers you have?

Pay more attention to that list more than anyone else’s.
Perhaps you would like to address this with the man himself:

As others have said, there are always names that should be included that are among the missing. I looked for Maurice Purtill, who played drums with Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller, but wasn't included. Moe was a good player in the Krupa style, but was not what I'd consider to be a great drummer or a household name. Same with Frankie Carlson, who played with Woody Herman's original band, or Buddy Schutz, who played with Jimmy Dorsey and many others. Another is Tony Briglia, who played with Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orchestra.

You just can't include everybody. I ran into that situation when I wrote my book on 60's rock drummers. There were just too many names. It would have been impossible.
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I have heard that the best drummers do not put mustard in their potato salad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The list is Bernhard’s (it’s his site) list of drummers who have consented to be on his list- it is in no way exhaustive.
There will always be weird inclusions and omissions in any list of this nature. Make your own list and I’m sure tons of people will find fault with it, too. More important things to worry about.
I agree with most of your statement but if drummerworld didn't think it was important they would not have published this and expected commentary.
The list is Bernhard’s (it’s his site) list of drummers who have consented to be on his list- it is in no way exhaustive.
Thank you! This is the answer I was looking for. SOVB, above, seems to have hit the nail on the head. I'm an old head but I certainly know that Jon Fishman can play anything Ringo or Karen Carpenter can but I highly doubt they can do the things Fishman can. The fact that some seriously great drummers (Kris Meyers, Michael Travis, Vinnie Amico, Jim Loughlin, for example) shows that Mr. Bernhard has decided to ignore greatly a segment of todays popular music. I mean ya gotta be real if you're gonna publish this stuff. I love AC/DC, but come on Phil Rudd included but no Butch Trucks, Jai Johnny Johnson!
The fact that some seriously great drummers (Kris Meyers, Michael Travis, Vinnie Amico, Jim Loughlin, for example) shows that Mr. Bernhard has decided to ignore greatly a segment of todays popular music. I mean ya gotta be real if you're gonna publish this stuff. I love AC/DC, but come on Phil Rudd included but no Butch Trucks, Jai Johnny Johnson!
ugh here we go with the "obscure" drummer list again. leave it alone man! I've never heard of any of the drummers you mentioned and my life, quite frankly , is just fine without knowing about them.
ugh here we go with the "obscure" drummer list again. leave it alone man! I've never heard of any of the drummers you mentioned and my life, quite frankly , is just fine without knowing about them.
I’ve heard of Jaimoe and Butch. I think they’re terrific. Does it bother me that they might not be on the Drummerworld top 500? Hell no.

You gotta be real, Scott? Real whiny, apparently. First post out of the gate and you think you run the place. Even the mods don’t act like that and they actually do run the place.
I'm always open for suggestions - as i wrote in my post about the drummers i recently included. They are here:

Jon Fishman, Butch Trucks and Jaimoe WERE on Drummerworld - till their management stepped in without knowledge of the purpose of the site.
Most missed is the man with 1000 drums, who wanted me to pay a high amount for using his name and videos.

To Phil Rudd, which i know personally now for 30 years: After the dead of uncle Charly there are not many drummers around, who played for 500 million people in public - this is also a argument for me to include.

When it comes to Ringo, all long-established Forum Members know, that this is a hot iron and can lead to a instant banning. Nobody "plays circles" around Ringo, the man who motivated also 500 million people to take up the sticks.

As I said before: I'm open for suggestions. Instead of only dropping a name please deliver some video links, which are allowed to use. When it's a living drummer also his acceptance and cooperation.

Thanks a lot and have fun - as I still have.....

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Nothing is stopping you from starting your own website/discussion forum and listing all of the drummers you like. If you do, I would suggest you start with spelling Jaimoe's name correctly. ;)
At least you got one part of it right.
scuse me i was typing fast Johanson:). And I certainly know I could try and publish my own but seriously one publises this kind of stuff and has to expect that no one will comment. I don't think so. And I'm not truly nit picking. My examples are pretty well set in stone by most drummers!