New Guy Here


Hey all, just joined up. Been drumming since the 80s. Here's my current kit. I'm a big Bosphorus fan also:


Yeah I'm a lefty, so no lame "backwards" jokes please.

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I like those Pearl 75th Anniversary sets quite a bit in all the finishes. They are very retro cool and reasonably priced too.
Welcome to the family.
Welcome to DW! I like your setup something DW’s infamous CM Jones would give his seal of approval- so it’s a big compliment. Two thumbs up from me for casting your Pearl’s before swine. Pearl doesn’t often get a lot of love here- I’m surprised because generally swine are very intelligent mammals.
Welcome aboard! You'll find yourself in the company of plenty of lefty drummers here. 😊
Howdy! Howdy! Howdy! and welcome.

Really nice-lookin' kit. It, clearly, belongs here.
I want to ask you a technical question about those bass drum claws - but I'll give you time to settle in first and mingle.
Help yourself to wine and nibbles.