My Jazz Crimes ....some years ago....

hmmm...the only "crime" I see is using Hot Rods (I can never get a good cymbal sound with them), but if that is what the BD leader always wants me to use Hot Rods b/c he thinks they make the drums "quieter"...I usually sneak a stick into my right hand when he isn't looking and never get a complaint...and then get a better cymbal sound as well. Our bass player always thanks me....
I imagine dancers! floating into that video.. Love it.
That's when drummers worked with the audience to Dance.
the audience was - to watch from the drum seat- as spectacular as the band
I miss these and those bands. Played in one (or 3) for fifteen years. I miss watching that dance floor "as I played"...
Aw no need to call the jazz police, that was fun. A great group of fellas, having fun.

I have to say I agree about the hotrods. Notice how an actual stick was needed to achieve a cutting cross stick back-beat on the snare. May as well go with two sticks. I used to bring rods to small gigs and I always kind of regretted it. It feels like playing with rods prevents much of the actual technique of the player to come through in the sound. And of course, they don't really bring out the sound of cymbals and drums.

This seems especially important in some jazz music. Rods just kind of "feather" the ride cymbal. And even if your BL thinks that would be better, just do what Xstr8 said and sneak a little stick in there. The sound of a real wooden tip on the bow of the ride cymbal will be much acceptable in the final mix. The sound of wood tip on jazzy bronze is, to me, the quintessential note in the mix. Hotrods just aren't worthy of the tradition.

The most fun I ever had with a hotrod was playing hard rimmy 2/4 backbeats with the snares turned off. Like for hiphop, etc.
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hmmm...the only "crime" I see is using Hot Rods (I can never get a good cymbal sound with them), but if that is what the BD leader always wants me to use Hot Rods b/c he thinks they make the drums "quieter"...I usually sneak a stick into my right hand when he isn't looking and never get a complaint...and then get a better cymbal sound as well. Our bass player always thanks me....
Gotta be weird playing rolls and fills with one stick and one hot rod though?
I liked it too, good music.
DUDE!!!!! that was excellent, I love how the old guys never look paniced or showy during the horn solos! You sir, have some great chops and a smooth, buttery style. One rod, one stick..I honestly thought I was the only one who did this. Sometimes the cymbals are too much and a rod is just the thing! also, the close up profile of the singer, he looks like Roger Waters!

Thanks for sharing that