Just split snare reso


Gold Member
Hi guys. I was retuning my Ludwig LM400 Evans 300 reso just now using Tunebot and was at about 395hz on most lugs and 399 on one lug. As I started to get them all to 400hz it split. I could hear some cracking sounds as I tensioned the lugs before it finally went. Strange it should split isn't it? I thought 400hz was fine and the maximum recommended for snare resos.
Could be a fault in the head. At least it hasn't gone on you during a gig. I've had a couple go before and it's an annoyance. How old is the head?

I swap snare sides about once a year.

Never used a tunebot for snares so can't help there, always tuned by ear and feel.
Very unfortunate. Sorry to hear that!

Personally, when I'm working with heads under high tension, I bring them all up very slowly and evenly. For example, I wouldn't go from 395 to 400 in one fell swoop... I would bring them all up to 397 and then 398 and then 400. I would also drop the 400 down to 397 or 398 before bringing the others up. Leaving one at 400 and then bringing the others up is going to drive the 400 up to ever higher tensions. You never want lugs to be more than 2 Hz apart, in my experience.
Could be a fault in the head. At least it hasn't gone on you during a gig. I've had a couple go before and it's an annoyance. How old is the head?

I swap snare sides about once a year.

Never used a tunebot for snares so can't help there, always tuned by ear and feel.

Yeah, I gigged it last night and fortunately was fine. That's a good idea replacing the reso about once a year. I had to look up when I bought my reso head and it was August 2022, so no doubt was overdue for replacement anyway. I removed the original Weathermaster batter and reso heads almost straight after buying the Ludwig 400 and stored them away just in case I ever wanted to sell it. (Highly unlikely!). Yeah I often do tune by ear but it's kind of fun using the the Tunebot. However, it doesn't always make it sound perfect and more often than not, once I've tuned a drum with Tunebot, I'll often +/- a lug or two using my ears to tweak it to my liking.

Very unfortunate. Sorry to hear that!

Personally, when I'm working with heads under high tension, I bring them all up very slowly and evenly. For example, I wouldn't go from 395 to 400 in one fell swoop... I would bring them all up to 397 and then 398 and then 400. I would also drop the 400 down to 397 or 398 before bringing the others up. Leaving one at 400 and then bringing the others up is going to drive the 400 up to ever higher tensions. You never want lugs to be more than 2 Hz apart, in my experience.

Good advice that! I'll remember this and do it more gradually keeping a maximum of 2 Hz difference.
I was retuning my Ludwig LM400 Evans 300 reso just now using Tunebot and was at about 395hz on most lugs and 399 on one lug. As I started to get them all to 400hz it split. I could hear some cracking sounds as I tensioned the lugs before it finally went. Strange it should split isn't it? I thought 400hz was fine and the maximum recommended for snare resos.
Did you happen to be using a stick for tapping around the lugs?
There ya go! I did that tuning up a reso a while back and popped that thing! Kaboom! Nearly scared me to death! First time I ever had that experience. So the moral of the story is, I won't use a stick again, but will tap with my fingers.

Hmm, ok, I better stay away from using a stick for snare resos then! How about tapping with the drumkey?
glad I don't hire any of you guys to put air in my tires.
(you don't know when to stop!!"
come on man with the megahertz
ive had that happen with faulty heads or overtightening.

Ive never used a tunebot or drumdial, just finger-tightened the lugs, pressed in the middle of the head, and tuned the head up till the wrinkles go, then go up until the head is firm but with a little give when pressed, usually a 1/2 turn per lug to full turn per lug above the batter head :) and its worked for me so far on the 15 snares i own! :)
Any little bumps anywhere where the head contacts the edge?

To be honest I didn't really check and I don't have the split head anymore. I can't say I noticed any bumps though. I'm looking at the edge of the shell in the area where the head had split. The edge is ever so slightly rougher than when running my finger around the rest of the rim, but I guess that's how the chrome finishing came out of the factory. I somehow doubt it but could it cut into the head?
