It never fails (audience requests)

We’re not really laughing at the girl, so much as laughing at the context, like the dude asking for Elton. My late godfather asked me if I played any George Formby in my hard rock band because that was his favourite singer. I loved that guy to bits but I still found it funny - imagine Motley Crue bringing out the ukuleles for a number…it’s the context right?! :unsure: (y)

Well, that beats Ringer Danger Holly-day! :LOL:
Our Monday Night Jam Band encourages requests. We are always playing something new and I’m really starting to dig that direction. When Brittney Spears, Bread or an artist/song I’ve never heard is suggested, I would give it the fuzzy eyeball. Then we dive head first into it with all our own take. I am pleasantly surprised how it turns out and really love seeing the audience have fun with it.
It never fails! Band plays some low down dirty blues. Majority of the crowd is getting into it.

••Younger chick that just walked through the door**

“Yall know any Taylor Swift?”


It sounds like the girl hadn't heard more than one song and wasn't able to determine the overall style of the band. Would it have been fair to assume that since you were playing a blues song, that that's all you play? Does the band have "blues" in its name, or maybe the sign out front says "blues music by [band name]"? If not, I'd say it was a fair question.

Some bands have a wide repertoire, and some are more focused as to genre. Both are fine. But not every person in the audience can determine which just by listening to one song. Bar bands normally take requests, and being asked for something by the hottest artist around right now was not out of line.

I've been in a lot of bands over the last 45+ years. I'm still in a lot of bands! But none of them have ever laughed about someone's request.
It sounds like the girl hadn't heard more than one song and wasn't able to determine the overall style of the band. Would it have been fair to assume that since you were playing a blues song, that that's all you play? Does the band have "blues" in its name, or maybe the sign out front says "blues music by [band name]"? If not, I'd say it was a fair question.

Some bands have a wide repertoire, and some are more focused as to genre. Both are fine. But not every person in the audience can determine which just by listening to one song. Bar bands normally take requests, and being asked for something by the hottest artist around right now was not out of line.

I've been in a lot of bands over the last 45+ years. I'm still in a lot of bands! But none of them have ever laughed about someone's request.
You realize this post was made in jest, as a joke, right?

The facts are this situation NEVER happened, but some of you are getting in your feelings about a joke. That makes this even more hilarious!
You realize this post was made in jest, as a joke, right?

The facts are this situation NEVER happened, but some of you are getting in your feelings about a joke. That makes this even more hilarious!
For the avoidance of doubt, I should say that the George Formby request DID happen, and you are ok to find it funny, because err…it was?! :rolleyes: Lighten up guys, it’s only rock n roll!:)(y)
You realize this post was made in jest, as a joke, right?
Nope. Sounded plausible to me, and apparently almost everyone else.

Since it's a joke, I've moved the thread to the Off Topic Lounge.
I'm glad to be in a metal band who do mostly originals but have fun with some covers on the side. When someone comes up to us and request a song, it might be in the realm of Slayer, Overkill or older Metallica. Kind of far away from any Taylor Swift or Mustang Sally... No offense to you guys that might play that sort of music though :). I just bet the feeling is slightly more positive on getting those types of requests (as a metalhead).
I'm glad to be in a metal band who do mostly originals but have fun with some covers on the side. When someone comes up to us and request a song, it might be in the realm of Slayer, Overkill or older Metallica. Kind of far away from any Taylor Swift or Mustang Sally... No offense to you guys that might play that sort of music though :). I just bet the feeling is slightly more positive on getting those types of requests (as a metalhead).
Any chance you can squeeze a George Formby song into the set mate? :unsure: