Hey how’s it going? I’m new here and hoping to get an answer, I drop sticks all the time. Granted I do hold them very lightly. Am I supposed to be?


Active Member
Hey how’s it going? I’m new here and hoping to get an answer, I drop sticks all the time. Granted I do hold them very lightly. Am I supposed to be? Never took lessons learned by watching and listening forgive the stupid question
I used a 5A for quite awhile and felt that I had to grip it to tightly or I'd lose it. I even thought I was developing carpal tunnel. I moved to a 5B and everything is much better. Maybe a heavier stick might help out?.
Perhaps that’s it thankyou. I DO use a 5A note to self. Will check that
You'll drop more if you flail spontaneously. I hold them loosely and hit too hard with a 7A. My technique isn't Dave Weckl so I miss-stick and drop 2-3 times per show. You can keep a stick on your bass drum, one sticking up out of the hihat legs or hang a bag on your floor tom. I don't. My bag hangs off the hi hat because my right will keep it going while I grab a stick with the left.

This weekend I started playing lightly. I still dropped. 1st time I went to an open jam last year I threw a stick off stage with no back up. It landed by the host guitar and bass player's feet so they saved me.
You'll drop more if you flail spontaneously. I hold them loosely and hit too hard with a 7A. My technique isn't Dave Weckl so I miss-stick and drop 2-3 times per show. You can keep a stick on your bass drum, one sticking up out of the hihat legs or hang a bag on your floor tom. I don't. My bag hangs off the hi hat because my right will keep it going while I grab a stick with the left.

This weekend I started playing lightly. I still dropped. 1st time I went to an open jam last year I threw a stick off stage with no back up. It landed by the host guitar and bass player's feet so they saved me.
Ha same. Couple extra sticks. I also tried thin leather gloves nope. Think I’ll try that medical tape sticky on both sides?
Somewhere there’s a balance. And while you may just get along better with a different stick, you still have to hold it. Me, I put a thin layer of wax on them and it works for me. I’ve tried grip sticks like Zildjian, and started to wear a blister immediately.
You can lightly sand the finish coating off the sticks. What I've done is take lotion to gigs. It adds a little tackiness.
I've also poured a little soft drink on my hands.
Promark Active Grip is excellent, IMO. I have a very loose grip and it works perfectly for me.

Second: Vic Grip sticks. They’re dipped in a thin rubber compound. It’s sticky, but can shred off and also stain your hands.

Stick wrap. Nice if you like thin sticks but want a fat grip. 7A to 5A or 5A to 5B.

Sex wax. I used it on my surfboards decades ago. Some use it on their stick. heh.
Promark Active Grip is excellent, IMO. I have a very loose grip and it works perfectly for me.

Second: Vic Grip sticks. They’re dipped in a thin rubber compound. It’s sticky, but can shred off and also stain your hands.

Stick wrap. Nice if you like thin sticks but want a fat grip. 7A to 5A or 5A to 5B.

Sex wax. I used it on my surfboards decades ago. Some use it on their stick. heh.
You'll drop more if you flail spontaneously. I hold them loosely and hit too hard with a 7A. My technique isn't Dave Weckl so I miss-stick and drop 2-3 times per show. You can keep a stick on your bass drum, one sticking up out of the hihat legs or hang a bag on your floor tom. I don't. My bag hangs off the hi hat because my right will keep it going while I grab a stick with the left.

This weekend I started playing lightly. I still dropped. 1st time I went to an open jam last year I threw a stick off stage with no back up. It landed by the host guitar and bass player's feet so they saved me.
“Flail spontaneously” splain please. As if playing off the cuff =spontaneous?
I mostly drop sticks playing my Hi-Hats and Im pretty prone to dropping with certain sticks. But I just keep a lot of extra sticks on my floor tom and attached to my Hi Hat.. I've gotten better at it, but the bright side is I've gotten really good at near perfect recoveries from dropping sticks.
I'm surprised the Gecko inspired technology hasn't been used to modify sticks-like directional polypropylene microfibrils or nano fibers. There is a whole bunch of applications and different strategies. The Gecko uses these "long tiny hairs" on these setae, that uses Van Der Wall forces to adhere to stuff.