DW Redwood Burl


Active Member
Been boring my non-drummer people with the story of these drums since 2017 when I left them in CA and moved to TN. (basically donated them to a church, who never used them and had them sitting in a closet). Always said they'd find their way back to me. Welp, last Monday I flew to Diego, bought a car, put them in it, and made it home by Thanksgiving. Sadly, I now have to get rid of my new Renowns (wife's not down with 3 sets). Oddly, a church in FL wants them, and I'll be doing another drum-related road-trip soon. But...they're back!


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Been boring my non-drummer people with the story of these drums since 2017 when I left them in CA and moved to TN. (basically donated them to a church, who never used them and had them sitting in a closet). Always said they'd find their way back to me. Welp, last Monday I flew to Diego, bought a car, put them in it, and made it home by Thanksgiving. Sadly, I now have to get rid of my new Renowns (wife's not down with 3 sets). Oddly, a church in FL wants them, and I'll be doing another drum-related road-trip soon. But...they're back!
Nice kit and congrats on getting them back! Just curious, what area of Florida do you have to go to donate to he renowns?
Awesome! I was just curious, I live in Florida but hours away from Naples haha.
Well...I'll probably be meeting him around Pensacola. Hate to give up the set. Awesome drums. But out of a 1966 Rogers, a rare DW, and new Renowns, a choice had to be made. Especially since I'll get close (enough) to what I paid.
Well...I'll probably be meeting him around Pensacola. Hate to give up the set. Awesome drums. But out of a 1966 Rogers, a rare DW, and new Renowns, a choice had to be made. Especially since I'll get close (enough) to what I paid.
Ouch! That’s a 10 hour drive!
Beautiful kit - can't believe they were cooped up in a closet! Glad you rescued them back, they deserve a good home.
TY. Short version: basically donated it to a church, thinking I wouldn't need them. Regretted immediately. Church was cool with me getting them/replacing them with something else. Life happened. Meanwhile, church never used them. Sat on a shelf all this time (still had the same heads I put on in 2016). Pastor ghosted me last year when I said "OK, let's make it happen" (after 5 years of regular communication. Apparently, this is his new MO), so I bought new Renowns. Talked to friend at that church last year who said "you should tell this story to J" another friend and last remaining board member I knew. Dude said "come get them".


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Redwood Burl DW's look absolutely delicious. Great story. Made me feel like a puppy was away and grown without its owner but it was a heartfelt ending. ❤ 😃.
Great story you chose wisely.