Desert Island Drum book

fat in the middle

Senior Member
In the spirit of the desert Island Discs, BBC's radio show, what would be your drum book you would take to a desert island if you could only take just one. [you would have your kit there of course] ?
Mine?..... Salsa Guide Book?
I play many different styles of music, but if I could only take one book, it would be either Beyond Bop Drumming or The Jazz Drummer's Workshop. Both awesome books.
...If I had my kit with me,

my book would be the McGyver Guide to converting a drum kit into a speed boat.

It would have to be "How to turn your drum-kit into a bonfire for signaling ships and aircraft for Dummies"
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No contest:

Tommy Igoe's Groove Essentials 1.0 or 2.0. Probably 2.0 since that's the one I'm working on now.
HMMMM..Hard one, as I have 3 favs now, but

Pat Petrillo's Hands Grooves & Fills, so that I can work on everything !
I am starting too think that a book on Indian konakol would prove the best results, as it would cover a singing language of groove. Then one could scratch the ideas spawned from this onto a wall of the cave where the kit is set up, and create a new book discovered by future explorers.
I have two books - The Complete Book of Modern Drumming by Norman Grossman (London, Amsco Music Publishing Company, 1972) and Max on Swing by Max Bacon (London: The Premier Drum Co.: 1934).

However, if I was on a desert island I wouldn't want any drum book since I wouldn't have any drums or musos to play with. I might be on the lookout for coconuts, hollow logs and solid sticks to keep me jolly, though :)
I have two books - The Complete Book of Modern Drumming by Norman Grossman (London, Amsco Music Publishing Company, 1972) and Max on Swing by Max Bacon (London: The Premier Drum Co.: 1934).

However, if I was on a desert island I wouldn't want any drum book since I wouldn't have any drums or musos to play with. I might be on the lookout for coconuts, hollow logs and solid sticks to keep me jolly, though :)

I do like the idea of making your own kit there, but the idea was there was one there [for some odd reason]. Never under estimate the local wildlife for jammers!
LOL. Good idea FITM. New age ambience anyone? Maybe a phythm session with crickets?

Many years ago I was alone in a field playing guitar and singing for the cows. If I was getting things right they would look up at me but the very second I lost momentum (often) they'd go back to munching grass.

Trust me, cows are a most exacting audience.

I can't speak for other wildlife, although I guess most of us have seen the vid of the parrot that dances and headbangs to heavy rock.
I would have to be Hands, Grooves and Fills by Pat Petrillo. It has everything in that book!, it's not huge and thick so I could sneak another one in there if I wanted to.