Bass drum head Hole protectors

Duck Tape

Platinum Member
Here's something I have no experience with...

I just bought a 6" gibraltar Hole protector in store and I decided I might jump online and get some 5" ones for my other drums, I've used the hole cutter tool to port some and others came ported from factory (mostly evans heads).

There’s Gibraltar and bass drum O’s and then there’s the Remo and Aquarian style ones.

I have a couple of the black remo rings that came with my mapex kicks (which have a black ps3 as the reso head), but they might look crap on my white heads so I want white or silver.

Anyway, I came upon a review that said one of them was difficult to apply, or didn't stick and I thought I'd better see what the tribe has to offer before I go and buy a handful of them. In Australia they're about $25-$30 each.

And I am also concerned about using these with my pre-ported evans heads, which seem to have some sort of fabric protector built into the port already, will these things still work with them?

Any and all experiences welcome.
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Here's something I have no experience with...

I just bought a 6" gibraltar Hole protector in store and I decided I might jump online and get some 5" ones for my other drums, I've used the hole cutter tool to port some and others came ported from factory (mostly evans heads).

There’s Gibraltar and bass drum O’s and then there’s the Remo and Aquarian style ones.

I have a couple of the black remo rings that came with my mapex kicks (which have a black ps3 as the reso head), but they might look crap on my white heads so I want white or silver.

Anyway, I came upon a review that said one of them was difficult to apply, or didn't stick and I thought I'd better see what the tribe has to offer before I go and buy a handful of them. In Australia they're about $25-$30 each.

And I am also concerned about using these with my pre-ported evans heads, which seem to have some sort of fabric protector built into the port already, will these things still work with them?

Any and all experiences welcome.
Those two piece plastic ones that are designed to "lock" together (like bass drum o's or Gibraltar) are the worst. I hate them very very much. They are difficult to get to lock together, they randomly like to come undone, and there is a very high chance you'll snap one of the rings in the process of trying to install them. The version Aquarian makes that is basically a plastic sticker with a hole in the middle is far superior.

You mentioned Evans ported resos. The Evans pre-cut reso heads have a reinforcement ring pre-installed around the hole.
Those two piece plastic ones that are designed to "lock" together (like bass drum o's or Gibraltar) are the worst. I hate them very very much. They are difficult to get to lock together, they randomly like to come undone, and there is a very high chance you'll snap one of the rings in the process of trying to install them. The version Aquarian makes that is basically a plastic sticker with a hole in the middle is far superior.

You mentioned Evans ported resos. The Evans pre-cut reso heads have a reinforcement ring pre-installed around the hole.
Those two piece plastic ones that are designed to "lock" together (like bass drum o's or Gibraltar) are the worst. I hate them very very much. They are difficult to get to lock together, they randomly like to come undone, and there is a very high chance you'll snap one of the rings in the process of trying to install them. The version Aquarian makes that is basically a plastic sticker with a hole in the middle is far superior.

You mentioned Evans ported resos. The Evans pre-cut reso heads have a reinforcement ring pre-installed around the hole.
Indeed they do have the reinforcement ring, but I still managed to tear one (or someone putting the mic into the kick did).

I saw on YT that you need a hammer to push these Gibraltar two piece plastic ones tight together. Wish me luck lol. I'm glad I read your comment, I didn't know that they were like that.
Indeed they do have the reinforcement ring, but I still managed to tear one (or someone putting the mic into the kick did).

I saw on YT that you need a hammer to push these Gibraltar two piece plastic ones tight together. Wish me luck lol. I'm glad I read your comment, I didn't know that they were like that.
Last time I tried to use one of those two piece plastic rings I struggled for well over an hour. I almost broke the ring and the head in the process. I watched every video I could find and still to no avail. There is a local drum shop owned by a guy who worked at Dale's for a very long time to I gave him a call and he assured me he could get it on with no problem claiming to have installed hundreds of not thousands of these things. I drove over to his shop and he struggled with it for probably twenty minutes before telling me he got it on. I left to drive home and not even five minutes down the street I heard a loud POP so I pulled over thinking something was wrong with my car... Nope, the stupid plastic ring not only popped off but cracked. Also be careful if you try to align the backing/inside piece with a head that has a hole cut already because you only get one chance to stick it on because the adhesive is so strong it will tear your head if you try to reposition it. Don't even bother trying it with coated heads, faux calf heads, two ply heads, heads with printed graphics, or pre-cut heads that have a reinforcement (like Evans) because they are too thick and you'll never get the damn thing to lock together.
I have used this for years.

It is vinyl wrap with adhesive available in may colors. I have also wrapped an entire kit in this and it held up surprisingly well. A quick way to change up finishes.

That along with a hole cutter like this and you'll have port protection for life.,aps,128&sr=8-1&th=1

I cut two out for each head, in and out, and use a little slick of super glue. They have been on smooth and coated heads for years.

You could also cut up used heads for the same purpose.
It bears repeating...

Avoid these:

They break and they are frustrating.

My advice is just to get the stick-on template. It should reinforce the hole plenty. I've had many of these, and I've never torn a kick drum hole after many, many gigs of using them. I prefer to apply them to the inside of the head instead of the outside. I think it looks cleaner, but do whatever you want.
All the ones I have installed are like this. It was very helpful.
I'm sure others have had different experiences but I personally have found the Evans precut heads to be very durable. I also like the material, it feels almost like a thin felt or maybe nylon fiber. It's extremely light weight and doesn't hinder the resonance.
I have used both the Evans pre-ported heads and the do-it-yourself version with drum-O's. End result with drum-O's was satisfactory and had no issues, but as others have said, cutting and snapping the two-piece ring together takes quite a bit of effort... I've always used a second pair of hands to help me do the job.
Drum O works great on the head DrumArt made for me, but I didn’t install it. The one on another head I have I installed myself, and it doesn’t like to stay together.
You don't have to install the back piece if it's too difficult. The front piece will stay on fine by itself and it still protects the edge of the hole.
This is exactly what I've done. I could never get the inside piece to stay on. I thought it was actually locked on a couple times, but it would occasionally fall off on the inside of the bass drum, so I eventually tossed it.

And here I thought I was the only one that had issues with these things...
I have the 5” chrome gibraltar and it was stubborn to snap together, but it did and it’s stayed snapped together so far. I think maybe the thickness of the reso head one is using would matter…I’m using a pretty thin ebony clear ambassador reso. Probably wouldn’t work with a thick, coated
Are these things really necessary? I just cut holes in my front heads and go without. Or, I may use that Remo O-ring thing by adhering it to the inside of the head, and then using that to guide my razor blade to cut the hole (very handy). But other than that I’ve never had to protect the hole. Other than the brute who may force a mic through the hole, what else would you protect the hole from?
Are these things really necessary? I just cut holes in my front heads and go without. Or, I may use that Remo O-ring thing but adhering it to the inside of the head, and then using that to guide my razor blade to cut the hole (very handy). But other than that I’ve never had to protect the hole. Other than the brute who may force a mic through the hole, what else would you protect the hole from?
I like them because they’re shiny. And not only to protect the hole but people can cut themselves if they’re not careful.