Are you at that point ….

Are you at the point where nothing really excites you gear wise ? You know seeing something that you just have to own ? Personally I am at that point after some hectic buying and selling years . I had my big purge , got down to three kits that I really like and there just is not anything out there that I want more than what I currently own .

What about you ?
Yep, same for that "big purge".
Are you at the point where nothing really excites you gear wise ?

I’m probably pretty much there. Do you think it is because there really isn’t much difference, stuck on a desert island wise, in the drum catagory? While I do have my personal preferences I could pretty much make a very wide selection of gear work.

That said … I’m always auditioning a new ride cymbal 😁
My gear lust reduced hugely when Drum City and Billy Hyde's closed their stores. Nothing got me salivating over gear like wandering around "Drum Wonderland". One time I was going to send myself broke buying a Roland e-kit but I didn't have enough room for it where I lived. That could never happen with today's online model.
I have the vintage bug. It took me 20-25 years to hear it , but i finally have it.

I mean, I have fantastic sounding drums, and I don't really need to buy anything else. But I am looking for one or two vintage kits that really speak to me that I can use for low volume more traditional blues, and Singer songwriter gigs.

My reality is some of the drums that I have don't sonically mix with all the music that I play. I can hear it, and I can feel it

So unfortunately, I'm not done. But fortunately, I still get to look around and shop and have fun with it
  • Kits? Yeah, for the most part. The Yamaha kits have set my soul at ease since 2019. I want to get a 12/14/20 old Ludwig or something for recording-- maybe a Club Date or Standard or something.
  • Snares? Mostly, yeah. I may sell a few. I'll tinker around the edges of my collection, probably for the rest of my life.
  • Cymbals? Also mostly, yeah. Again, may add or subtract a couple here or there, but nothing wild.
So, I guess the answer is "mostly yes." I'm WAY quieter on gear than I was even five years ago. The prices and shipping and all that have really cut into my fun about all this.
well I'm going to continue on my theme to recommend- if when you are looking- for that vintage kit- keep your eye on Guitar Center ( I know I know--but-->

note that above Sonor was not in the vintage category but under Used Shell packs - so look around..
I saw (in person while I bought my 66 Aqua G's) this Club date-only 2pc. but clean as a pin & 22" bass

others (category Vintage- Shell Packs.
I called on this Red Glass Gretsch set ^ and had the clerk double check on the bass being 18" and he said the bass was an 18" (I sorta maybe not but maybe believe him)

bring snare, cymbals you aren't using, for trade, and you might be surprised
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Only thing left on my wish list is a Paiste Traditionals 20 or 22 " Swish and a 15" soundedge bottom hat . Maybe yet another Supraphonic , but with that we enter into Lucy holding the football territory ....

... and then I'm done

Anything else , I've lost the inclination to pursue . Maybe for sure .
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"I need more chrome"
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Currently playing an old Yamaha SC kit with an Acro and some 2002s. Gets the job done for practicing and informal jams.

Eventually would like to grab a Ludwig CM kit and a Supra. Maybe a couple of Giant Beat multis for a bit of variety.

Really have no desire to have a big stash of gear. Highly doubt I’ll be doing any gigs at this point in my life. Perfectly content to play at home or occasional jams with friends.
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I’ve noticed in the past couple years used pieces are not moving. Ended up trading recently and you always take a bath on that. I did just order a component LCM tom in Golden Slumbers and the price is ridiculous. I went ahead with it but, when I think about it, it makes me crazy. Pretty sure I’m done after this tom comes in, I reached my breakpoint with these prices.
'Yes. Four to Six of each is a good median"
Two too few.
Eleven too many.
4 to an outlier six of everything is Goldilocks.

; /
I'd like to have a deeper Supra. Maybe if I sold the ones I have...
I may be at that point unless something breaks. I can see myself investing in more mics etc than actual drum gear but even there I am satisfied with my mic setup for recording etc.

I was acquiring more snares over the past couple years but I really have all the "sounds" covered and really like the ones I this point it is something like 14 snares maybe........

Love the cymbals I have as well.....curated over the years.......unless something breaks I like what I have.
I think I have my ultimate kit.. sounds fantastic on gigs and is light enough to move in 1-2 trips on wheels.
However I just bought a new Cowbell!
It's the Chad Smith Signature cowbell - the sound is same size as my old LP cowbell - but has a meatier controlled sound - and most importantly has a memory lock that prevents it from spinning away from you while playing. My old bell used to do that all the time.. like hitting a moving target.
Did I mention it was red?
Are you at the point where nothing really excites you gear wise ? You know seeing something that you just have to own ? Personally I am at that point after some hectic buying and selling years . I had my big purge , got down to three kits that I really like and there just is not anything out there that I want more than what I currently own .

What about you ?
I still come across things that excite me and interest me, but I have been focusing on downsizing more than anything. In the past 6 months, I have sold off three kits, a few snares, and a ton of cymbals. I’m down to 5 drum sets and two sets of cymbals, which is still plenty.

My issue is there doesnt seem to be much out there that would sound significantly different than what I already have. I am no longer gigging/touring like I used to so there isn’t as much need. I am basically playing vintage gear, which I love the sound of, so there isn’t a huge need for me to buy something new.
The only drums that still excite me are boutique solid shell drums.

There seems to be more of these builders popping up, YAY!

I love the AVA drums. They excite me. But I'm done buying drums and even done buying cymbals. I'm in lack of nothing.
If it's a bargain, I'm excited about it. There are occasional cymbals or a snare in that grouping.
I think all my current gigging cymbals are 2nd hand purchases, including 15" Zildjian hats, but I don't know which series. Top and bottom have bells.

I never thought it could get to that place for me when it is just depressing to look at new equipment, but here we are. The kit I bought two years ago (Yamaha Live Custom Hybrid) are now about 1200 USD more than when I bought it, and I thought it was a bit too expensive then. It's a more peaceful mindset for me now though as the kit I have is more than good enough for what I need, and I would probably never really need to get anything else. I think I will stick to the used market for most of my newer purchases from now on, at least some people don't bring the price up comparatively with the new prices. Probably some cymbals or a snare maybe if needed, until prices (if ever) become more bearable for a guy with an average salary.
Not really looked at new drum prices all that much. What blew me out of the water was DW 6000 strap pedals. In 2021, those ran about $150. Now, I am seeing them for $230. I paid seven to nine dolloars a pair for sticks just about two years ago. Now, they are mid-teens. I keep thinking with inflation everywhere else, maybe used stuff will be more readily available and affordable. I still need a vintage Ludwig and Rogers kit. I am going to pretend the Broadkasters fill the need for Round Badge Gretsch.
I still want a custom monster kit but don't really care or think about it all that much. I've been playing a bop kit with ride and crash ride, it works.